9 record(s) found with the tag "cisco" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Monitoring of mercury, flame retardants and other chemicals in lake trout and cisco from Great Bear Lake
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S.
Licensed Year(s): 2022 2021
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5359. This study is designed to find out whether contaminant levels are changing in fish (lake trout and cisco) in Great Bear Lake. Of particular interest is mercury. It complements ongoing fish population studies being conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans on Great Bear Lake and contributes to Deline's resear...

Monitoring of mercury, flame retardants and other chemicals in lake trout and cisco from Great Bear Lake
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S.
Licensed Year(s): 2023 2021 2020
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5046. This study is designed to find out whether contaminant levels are changing in fish (lake trout and cisco) in Great Bear Lake. Of particular interest is mercury. It complements ongoing fish population studies being conducted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans on Great Bear Lake and contributes to Deline's resear...

Monitoring of mercury, flame retardants and other chemicals in lake trout and cisco from Great Bear Lake
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S.
Licensed Year(s): 2024 2016 2015 2014 2013
Summary: This study is designed to find out whether contaminant levels are changing in fish (lake trout and cisco) in Great Bear Lake. The research team require fall-caught fish for this study. Twenty whole lake trout and 20 whole cisco of a range of sizes are required from Great Bear Lake. The fish will be frozen immediately after capture and shipped to Environment Canada-Saskatoon. The fish will then ...

Cisco diversity in Great Slave Lake
Principal Investigator: Drygeese, Jennifer
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: The objectives of the research are to: 1) Confirm the taxonomy of the Cisco of Great Slave Lake; 2) Characterize age structure and growth of individuals; 3) Determine prey abundance in capture locations; 4) Consult with, and educate local aboriginal and non-aboriginal communities by having them assist in data collection and presenting to communities the results of research. The benefits ...

Shortjaw Cisco survey in Yellowknife Bay
Principal Investigator: Vecsei, Paul
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This licence is being issued for the scientific research licence application # 775. The objective of this study is to understand the diversity and dynamics of shortjaw and blackfin ciscoes in Yellowknife Bay (species diversity, distribution, habitat requirements, growth and reproduction) and establishing long term monitoring, while contributing to community outreach and education. Fifty cisc...

Testing molecular and otolith tools to investigate population-of-origin and migration in Arctic cisco found in the Colville River, Alaska
Principal Investigator: Nielsen, Jennifer L.
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: This study aims to use genetic markers and otolith microchemistry to determine if differences exist between putative Arctic cisco spawning aggregations in tributaries of the Mackenzie River (Peel and Arctic Red rivers); and, if differences do exist, to use this information to identify population-of-origin for fish caught in the Colville River subsistence fishery. During the summer or fall (1 Au...

Continued Population Assessment of Harvested Fish Species in the Travaillant Lake System, Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Howard, Kimberly
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The main objectives of this study are to determine baseline population status and develop reliable indicators of population abundance and mortality rates of key harvested fish species (lake whitefish and broad whitefish) in the Travaillant Lake system and to identify and determine the relative abundance and species composition of other species within the lake system. Field crews will be transp...

Arctic Cisco Migrations and Life History
Principal Investigator: Bond, W.A.
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1990 1989
Summary: Since 1989 the Department of Fisheries and Oceans have conducted trap netting studies to monitor fish movements in Wood Bay near the mouth of the Anderson River. This is the last year of this study. They will examine the movements of the Arctic cisco within Liverpool Bay....

Movements of Arctic Cisco along the Beaufort Sea Coastline and up the Mackenzie River
Principal Investigator: Griffiths, William
Licensed Year(s): 1988
Summary: William Griffiths and his team will be using nets to sample and tag Arctic Cisco along the Beaufort Sea coastline. A $5.00 reward is offered for each fish tag returned. They are also collecting fish in the Mackenzie River at the junctions of the Liard, Great Bear, Loon, Mountain, Peel, and Arctic Red rivers. They will either net or purchase the fish to determine whether the fish belong to th...