Principal Investigator:Ballantyne, J.S. Licensed Year(s):
The research will determine the kinds of fats of Arctic fish and invertebrates found in various parts of the body (blood, liver, kidney, muscle, brain) and how they change when the fish move from freshwater into seawater or when the temperature changes. The studies will determine how Arctic animals are different from similar animals found in warmer climates and how Arctic animals are adapted to Ar...
Principal Investigator:Ring, Richard A. Licensed Year(s):1993
19901987 Summary:
The researcher and his team will collect and identify arctic insects. Such studies should lead to a better understanding of food webs in Arctic ecosystems which are often regarded as fragile but complex, and could prove useful in monitoring more subtle effects on food chains brought about by disruption of the habitat by physical or chemical forces....
Principal Investigator:Curtis, Mark A. Licensed Year(s):
1989 Summary:
The research scientists and graduate students involved are primarily interested in three topics in the aquatic ecosystems of the Igloolik region: (1) the species compostion of marine phytoplankton; (2) the cold adaptation physiology of polar cod; (3) the parasites of arctic char....
Principal Investigator:Svoboda, Josef Licensed Year(s):199419931992
19881987 Summary:
The Researcher will continue an ongoing program in Sverdrup Pass: Ecology of polar oases. The study will assist in understanding the origin, development, maintenance and future of these isolated ecosystems in the midst of a polar desert....
Principal Investigator:Graham, Mark S Licensed Year(s):
The study will involve capturing freshwater char to use in laboratory experiments. The body temperature of fish is the same as the water they live in. Therefore, arctic fishes live their lives at or near the freezing mark. This work will investigate the mechanical functions of Arctic Char hearts: how powerful, how much blood they can pump and what is a reasonable maximum work load....
Principal Investigator:Kukal, Olga Licensed Year(s):19901988
Investigation of the physiological adaptations enabling the survival of Gynaephora groenlandica (a moth) in the High Arctic environment....
Principal Investigator:MacDonald, Glen M Licensed Year(s):
To collect surface samples from small lakes to reconstruct the response of plant populations in the treeline zone to climatic change....
Principal Investigator:Kukal, Olga Licensed Year(s):
Investigation of the physiological adaptations enabling the survival of Gynaephora groenlandica (a moth) in the high arctic environment....
Principal Investigator:Hutchinson, Tom Licensed Year(s):
To continue studies of the Smoking Hills into the nature of the adaptations by which aquatic biota and tundra plants survive the intense acidic fumigations from the burning cliffs. Focus will be on the algae and zooplankton of tundra ponds and samples will be taken for identification by microscopic study on the spot and others preserved for later identification....
Principal Investigator:Johnson, Edward A. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a study of the degree to which 32 species of plants adapt and change to meet changing environmental conditions....