THS-SOW Women's Barrier to Economic Development
Principal Investigator: Vittrekwa, Elizabeth H.L.C (1)
Licence Number: 15260
Organization: Tl'oondih Healing Society
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Issued: Jun 05, 2013
Project Team: Jennifer Chalmers, Sheena Snowshoe

Objective(s): To complete a review of the local/regional economic factors for single mothers including documenting employment/community choices which will result in a summary report of what employment, barriers and services are currently available for the target group; to complete a short and long term community plan that outlines strategies and provide universal community-based programming to support all mothers based on the findings from the needs assessment.

Project Description: The objectives of this research project are to complete a review of the local/regional economic factors for single mothers including documenting employment/economic choices; to complete a summary report of what employment, barriers and services are currently available for the target group of this program and what can be done with local programs/services to help single mothers such as counselling, education services or employment coaching; to complete a short and long term community plan that outlines strategies to support the economic security of single mothers in Fort McPherson; to provide universal community-based programming to support all single mothers based on the findings from the needs assessment and strategic options outlined in the community plan that supports economic security; and to provide targeted community-based programming to support at-risk single mothers based on the findings from the needs assessment. The proposed methods are as follows: 1) Review yearly reports, band council and interagency meetings, as well as input from education (school), adult education, employment officer, and early childhood programs such as daycare. 2) Have public input through radio presentations, meetings and half day workshops (such as community wellness) to seek input as to what is being done, what is working, what is needed, and where can these services work together. 3) Summarize in a report for community assembly, and agencies that work with women and Society. 4) Provide guidance to existing services for this group and adapt current programs in child-care, counselling or education/training. This project seeks to support single mother's professional, personal, and social environments by enhancing them to engage in local and regional services for employment and improved economic security for their families. The project aims to use local employment services, educational supports and child-care/early childhood programs for space for the programming to support women gaining employment. The project seeks to design and deliver a strategy to reduce barriers to employment for single mothers in a remote community in the NT. The intended outcomes are partnerships among local public/private sector employers to support single mothers and strategic programming to support employment/small business for single mothers. The final written report will be shared at the annual community assembly of the community and at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from June 5, 2013 to December 31, 2013.