Dene and Metis Ways of Respecting the Land: Caribou Traditional Knowledge Study
Principal Investigator: Simmons, Deborah L (22)
Licence Number: 14611
Organization: Native Studies, University of Manitoba
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Issued: Sep 01, 2009
Project Team: Rodger Odgaard (Governance, Norman Wells Land Corporation), Dawn Ostrem (Digital storytelling trainer, Centre for Digital Storytelling), Robert Kershaw (Digital storytelling trainer, Centre for Digital Storytelling), Micheline Manseau (Collaborator, University of Manitoba)

Objective(s): To Building on local experience in research, develop local protocols and methods for research that benefits the community and contributes new knowledge. Document traditional Dene and Métis rules for respecting the caribou.

Project Description: This project is led by the Norman Wells Land Corporation (NWLC), and the methodology is participatory – that is, the project design involves community participation at every stage. NWLC President Rodger Odgaard is the Co-Investigator and will play a key role in leading all activities. These will include a field trip to Palmer Lake and a digital storytelling workshop. This research will document traditional knowledge for future generations, and it will strengthen community capacity and participation in resource management. It will be guided by the Norman Wells Land Corporation, and will involve training and employment for at least one beneficiary, as well as broader involvement by elders, harvesters and youth in the research process. The radio and digital media projects are likely the most important communication format for this study. The process of producing this media involves youth, and in itself is a method of education and communication. The best people to communicate study outcomes are the community members themselves. The resource people on the team provide technical training and support. A plain language newsletter will be produced in conjunction with the technical report. An oral public presentation will be made in the community of Norman Wells, and at the September meeting of the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board. The Sahtu Renewable Resources Board website will post research products. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from September 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009.