Gahcho Kue Project - Hydrology Baseline Work
Principal Investigator: Schmidt, Nathan (1)
Licence Number: 14188
Organization: Golder Associates Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2004
Issued: Jun 26, 2007
Project Team: Nathan Schmidt (Senior Hydrologist, Golder Associates Ltd.), Andrew Smith (Project Hydrologist, Golder Associates Ltd.), Tony Ye (Project Hydrologist, Golder Associates Ltd.)

Objective(s): The overall objective of this project is to collect additional information from Kennady Lake and the surrounding watershed for use in the environmental assessment of the De Beers Canada Inc. proposed Gahcho KuT Project.

Project Description: The overall objective of this project is to collect additional information from Kennady Lake and the surrounding watershed for use in the environmental assessment of the De Beers Canada Inc. proposed Gahcho Kué Project. De Beers Canada Inc. has been conducting hydrology baseline studies for a number of years in the area of the Gahcho Kué Project. The studies planned for this year will add to the hydrology baseline data that is being compiled for the area. The following activities are planned for this project: a) Water level and discharge monitoring. Manual discharge and water level measurements using flow meters and leveling surveys, along with continuous measurement using data loggers and pressure transducers, over the open-water period. Standard technology will be used, and access will be via helicopter and foot from the Gahcho Kué Exploration Camp. The work will be completed during three to four site visits, each consisting of 5 to 7 days, between June 1 and October 31. b) Geomorphology characterization and set up of channel erosion monitoring sites. This work will be completed during one of the water level and discharge trips, and involves setting up benchmarks and recording baseline observations of channel cross-section and vegetation, including photo surveys. Standard technology will be used, and access will be via helicopter and foot from the Gahcho Kué Exploration Camp. The data will be summarized and included as part of the Gahcho Kué Environmental Impact Statement which will be submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board by De Beers Canada Inc. The results will be communicated during discussions with the communities, and a summary of the data will be prepared as part of the Aurora Research Institute Licensing Process which will be submitted following the field work. Fieldwork will be conducted from June 26 to October 31, 2007 in the general area of Kennady Lake (63.4453 N, 109.2119 W).