Principal Investigator: | Durnford, Kerry Lynn (7) |
Licence Number: | 13956 |
Organization: | Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: | Apr 10, 2006 |
Project Team: | Kerry Lynn Durnford (Principal Investigator, Memorial University of Newfoundland), Dr. Shirley Solberg (Advisor, Memorial University of Newfoundland) |
Project Description: This research aims to assess the need for educational material geared at women and families who have experienced early trimester miscarriage. Women who have undergone early pregnancy loss and/or their families, and nurse practitioners involved in maternity care will be approached for information in conducting this needs assessment. Recruitment of interview participants will be done through advertising and referrals. Posters, informing the public of the research and requesting public participation in the research, will be placed in local medical clinics and the emergency ward of Stanton Territorial Hospital. Local physicians and/or nurse practitioners will also be asked for assistance in recruiting participants. Participants will be asked to contact the researcher at which time the research will be explained and a time arranged for a brief face-to-face interview on the need for educational material information related to early pregnancy loss and the most effective format to present this information. Emergency room and surgical day care nurses will also be asked to participate in the study through completion of a questionnaire. Questionnaire responses will aid in understanding the amount and type of information provided by nurses to women and/or their families after an early trimester miscarriage. An information session will be held with nurses to explain the purpose of the study and to request their cooperation with completing the questionnaire. Copies of questionnaires and envelopes will be left in the nursing team rooms of the emergency ward of the Stanton Territorial Hospital. When completed, the questionnaires will be placed in the envelopes, sealed and deposited anonymously into a drop box placed in the team rooms. The researcher will visit each team room weekly to collect the completed questionnaires. The findings of the research will be shared in the form of a report to the Stanton Territorial Health Authority, and through a presentation to nurses at the Stanton Territorial Hospital. A summary report of the research results will also be prepared for the Aurora Research Institute’s annual Compendium of Research. The study will be conducted from May 1 to September 30, 2006 within the municipal bounds of Yellowknife.