The Diagnosis and Care of HIV Infection in Canadian Aboriginal Youth

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area

Tags: health, sexually transmitted infection, aboriginal youth, sexual health

Principal Investigator: Mill, Judy (1)
Licence Number: 13662
Organization: University of Alberta
Licensed Year(s): 2004
Issued: Jun 16, 2004
Project Team: Sonia Isaa

Objective(s): The purpose of this project is to explore HIV testing and care decisions among Canadian Aboriginal youth. This project is a collaborative effort to address an urgent issue that has been identified by the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, Health Canada, and researchers. The project has been guided by an Advisory Committee that includes representatives from Aboriginal youth, and First Nations, MÚtis, and Inuit communities. The research questions to be addressed are: 1) Why do some Aboriginal youth decide to have an HIV test, while others do not?; 2) How do Aboriginal youth view HIV testing?; 3) What is the experience of Aboriginal youth when they present for testing?; 4) What is the relationship between HIV testing and the decision to initiate treatment?; and 5) How do Aboriginal youth make decisions about the care and treatment of their HIV illness? A survey and interviews will be used to answer these questions. It is anticipated that 20 to 30 youth in Inuvik will be recruited to complete the survey and 3 to 4 youth will be recruited to participate in an interview. Confidentiality of participants will be maintained.