Geological Mapping of the Avialik River Volcanic Belt
Principal Investigator: Relf, Carolyn (3)
Licence Number: 12667
Organization: Mineral Iniatives Office
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: Four Assistants

Objective(s): To determine the base and precious metal potential of the Avialik River volcanic belt; to examine the interface of this volcanic belt and a terrane of older gneisses (which are similar to the Acasta gneisses - the oldest rocks in the world); to assess the tectonic histories of these rocks and the fault between them.

Project Description: In this ongoing study, the researcher will examine the nature of the rocks found in the volcanic belt of the Avialik River area. This work will help to determine the amount of base metals and precious metals found in this belt of rocks. In addition, the movement of rocks (in the past) along a fault will be examined. Geological mapping (field work) will be done in the summer while analyses of the rocks will be done in the following fall and winter.