Principal Investigator:Hobin, Erin P Licensed Year(s):
The primary purpose of the proposed study is to evaluate patterns of cannabis use. Canada has committed to legalizing recreational cannabis use in summer 2018. It is critically important to have sufficient evidence to inform the development of specific regulations, including product labelling, warnings, and marketing restrictions. Consumer perceptions research can help to inform key decisions in t...
Principal Investigator:Hobin, Erin P Licensed Year(s):
2017 Summary:
The objective of this project is to test, in the real-world, if labelling alcohol containers with a health message, national drinking guidelines, and standard drink information supports more informed and safer alcohol use.
Alcohol Warning Label Intervention – Consistent with evidence for effective warning labels, a full colour alcohol warning label communicating: 1) a health message linking al...
Principal Investigator:Pepperell, Caitlin Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research project is to identify patterns of spread of tuberculosis (TB) in the Northwest Territories and trace the evolution of mycobacterium (M.) tuberculosis in this region.
Laboratory isolates of M. tuberculosis will be retrieved from the Alberta Provincial Laboratory and epidemiology data will be retrieved from the Office of the Chief Public Health Officer for the Gove...
Principal Investigator:Jardine, Cindy G. Licensed Year(s):
20142013 Summary:
This project seeks to develop better understanding of the roles that risk communication has played in influencing individual and social trust in decision-maker action on key public health issues involving Canadian Aboriginal peoples. Overall objectives of this study are:
1. to develop a common evaluative structure for assessing the impact of risk communication activities on First Nations/Inuit/Me...
Principal Investigator:Demers, Alain Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to assess the impact of an awareness campaign on knowledge and practices related to antibiotic use and resistance through online surveying of the general public and physicians.
The intent of the research is to assess awareness, knowledge and behaviours of target audiences for a pilot antibiotic resistance awareness campaign, in order to better equip the Government...
Principal Investigator:Schreiber, Yoko S Licensed Year(s):
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #952.
The purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors associated with the high rate of TB transmission and incidence leading to the 1997 TB outbreak. This study will examine issues with delay in diagnosis and contact tracing, as well as identifying environmental, behavioural and innate risk factors associated with ...
Principal Investigator:Underwood, Jane Licensed Year(s):
This study is the third part of a 3- project study that began in September 2006. Its overall goal is to investigate how community health nursing (CHN) services could be optimized. Project 1 explored the demographic characteristics of community health nurses in Canada by reviewing CIHI data from the nursing colleges. Project 2 involved a survey of CHNs across Canada (except Ontario) using a stratif...
Principal Investigator:Bronson, Jackie Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the scope of health within Environmental Assessment (EA), and to assess the state of EA practice with regard to the incorporation of human health impacts within Canada's northern natural resource sector. The re...
Principal Investigator:Prystupa, Mark Licensed Year(s):
This study is to evaluate how the changing legislation, policy and procedures for water management provides for the sustainable utilisation of the resource. This will involve informal unstructured interviews as the primary data source. Queries will be directed to a description of the institutional arrangements, and the evaluation of criteria. An analysis of pertinent newspaper articles, governm...