Principal Investigator:Pisaric, Michael FJ Licensed Year(s):
201820172016 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4564.
The objectives of this research are to examine the frequency and severity of past wildfire and drought (drought-like) conditions in the southern Northwest Territories. Specifically, the research team will examine the following questions: 1) how frequent and severe have fires been in the; 2) are fires becoming more fre...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
This research focusses upon dissolved organic carbon (DOC) quantity and quality from a suite of hydrological environments underlain by discontinuous permafrost. The research looks to better understand how water quality will be influenced by a warming climate, with specific attention to DOC, by analysing historical water quality data (30 years) from three local rivers (Yellowknife, Cameron, and Mar...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are:
1. to extract sediment cores from three different regions of the Northwest Territories namely: the low arctic tundra (continuous permafrost-Daring Lake), Taiga Shield northern boreal (widespread discontinuous permafrost-Wekweeti), and Taiga Shield boreal (sporadic discontinuous permafrost-Baker Creek Watershed) which provide the research team with a re...
Principal Investigator:Nadji, Kayhan Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The Researcher will continue to investigate the relationship between the architectural and technical aspects of buildings and severe northern climate....