Principal Investigator:Brodhead, Dal Licensed Year(s):
The research is comprised of two broad elements: an activity review and an impact analysis. The review will focus on the role of the Agreement with regard to language needs and services in the NWT. The impact analysis will assess the short-term impact of the Agreement on the various stakeholders as well as the longer-term effects of the program development and implementation activities....
Principal Investigator:Cohen, Stewart Licensed Year(s):1993
The Mackenzie Basin Impact Study will assess the potential impacts of global climatic change on the region. The component of land assessment will determine possible changes in land capability. Information on resource management goals is needed so that the study can can assess whether changes in land capability might lead to conflicts over land use....
Principal Investigator:Collin, David Licensed Year(s):
This study will examine the social and economic impacts of Canada's only commercial reindeer operation upon traditional patterns of hunting and fishing of the Inuvialuit. The impact of technology and transportation upon the operations will also be examined....
Principal Investigator:Hastings, Ross Licensed Year(s):
To study the area to determine how the climate affects the vegetation and how the vegetation in turn encourages certain types of small animal habitation....
Principal Investigator:Worbets, Barry W. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a study to identify the effects of industry on Tuktoyaktuk as perceived by the community and as identified by literature on previous studies, and to provide alternatives to the community in order to deal with these effects. A final report will be submitted to the community of Tuktoyaktuk in December of this year....