Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20052004
2002 Summary:
This project is a continuation of socio-economic and traditional knowledge studies in the Inuvialuit Settlement Area, which were initiated in 2002 as part of the baseline studies and assessment for the Mackenzie Gas Project. The primary focus of the soc...
Principal Investigator:Hoyt, Andrea J. Licensed Year(s):
2000 Summary:
The research team will be based out of Tuktoyaktuk, and travel to Tuktoyaktuk from Inuvik will be by scheduled flight. No field camps will be used, and all transport in the field will be on foot or by boat. The study will be done through individual and group interviews, using maps and semi-directed interviews. Interviews will be taped, to facilitate data collection. Participation in the study i...