232 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Food Intake and Price Survey Nutrition Project
Principal Investigator: Tomalik, Helen
Licensed Year(s): 1989
Summary: Ms. Tomalik a student at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, supervised by the Inuvik Regional Nutritionist will conduct surveys in four communities. She will collect information on food prices and food intake. The information will be used in conjunction with the Department of Social Services in calculating the Food Allowance Scale....

Arts and Crafts: Women and Their Work
Principal Investigator: Fogwill, Lynn
Licensed Year(s): 1988
Summary: Ms. Lynn Fogwill conducted interviews with women in the seven communities, as well as consulted with GNWT Department of Economic Development representatives, crafts co-ops, crafts societies, aborginal women's associations and the NWT Advisory Council on the Status of Women to analyse arts and crafts activities as they affect women. They were asked about their current situation, their problems,and...

Assessment of Toxaphene Intake by Mackenzie River Community Residents, NWT
Principal Investigator: Kuhnlein, Harriet V
Licensed Year(s): 1988
Summary: In response to an earlier study that was requested by the Dene Nation on contaminants in loche and whitefish, Health and Welfare Canada and other agencies are sponsoring this study to find out what amounts of contaminants people are eating. Dr. Harriet Kuhnlein and assistants will be asking people what foods they eat and how much. Renewable Resource officers will collect samples of wild foods fo...

An Economic Impact Analysis of Fly-in Sport Fishing Lodges on Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes
Principal Investigator: Kelly, Robert
Licensed Year(s): 1988
Summary: Robert Kelly and two fellow students will be interviewing owners and managers of 10-15 sport fishing lodges on Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes to compare the type of ownership with its impact on the local and regional economies....

Housing as Northern Community Development - The Fort Good Hope case
Principal Investigator: Rees, William
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To document and evaluate Fort Good Hope's self help housing project. To document what people think about the program, how it might be improved and to suggest ays other communities might learn from Fort Good Hope's experience....

A Family Centered Maternity Care Project
Principal Investigator: Paulette, Lesley
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: Phase 1 - to provide to the membership of the Native Women's Association an overview of the current status of maternity care in the NWT, including a preliminary needs assessment based on interviews with native women elders and various health care providers. Areas for further research will be identified as well as proposals for subsequent initiatives to promote maternal and infant health and famil...

A land use plan and resource inventory; Fort Norman area, NWT
Principal Investigator: McIntosh, Debbie
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To compile a resource inventory for the following areas: the Fort Norman block land transfer region, Drum (Wrigley) Lake, June Lake, Caribou Flats and Willow (Brackette) Lake; to produce a land use plan for these areas following input from the Hamlet Council as well as other interest groups and individuals....

NWT Child Care Survey
Principal Investigator: Lavoie, Susan
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: 1. To develop and implement a print survey to asses child care needs within all NWT communities; 2. To put together a final report and action plan based on results of survey from communities, in consultation with NWT Child Care Association Board....

Licence #5128
Principal Investigator: Abele, Frances
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: To carry out research on Transport Canada's Native Fligh Service Station Operators Training Program, and to study factors that contribute to success or failure of that program....

Licence #5082
Principal Investigator: Lange, Lynda
Licensed Year(s): 1985
Summary: To interview Dene women of the upper Mackenzie Valley for research project entitled "The Impact of Government of Canada Administration and Social Programs, and of Economic Development, North of the 60th Parallel, on the status of Dene women and their work (Post WW II to the present)."...