Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. compare previous research findings to measure changes in awareness and responses to older adult abuse;
2. gauge the impact of measures taken since the completion of 2010 research including the formation of networks, partnerships, training sessions, community events, and information campaigns; and,
3. consider next steps for preventing older adu...
Principal Investigator:Stephen, Bob Licensed Year(s):
This research has two main objectives; 1) to better understand the literacy needs and preferences of NWT seniors; and 2) to make recommendations for more effective literacy supports and services for NWT seniors. This research will provide a snapshot or p...
Principal Investigator:Beaudry, Nicole Licensed Year(s):19921990
1988 Summary:
Ms. Beaudry is continuing the work she began in 1988 by documenting the singing, dancing and game activities of the people who live in Fort Franklin and Fort Norman. She will be conducting interviews with elders and making recordings where appropriate....