18 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Our Land is Changing: Climate Change, Food Security and Health in Déline
Principal Investigator: Simmons, Deborah L
Licensed Year(s): 2015
Summary: The objectives of this research project are to: 1. assess the vulnerability of Déline community members to climate change impacts with a focus on impacts to harvesting practices and country food security now and in the future; 2. identify adaptation strategies currently employed or possible for future application by community members in order to mitigate any adverse impacts to traditional harves...

Planning for Climate Change Impacts on the Aquatic Ecosystems of Great Bear Lake and its Watershed
Principal Investigator: Nesbitt, Lorien
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The organizations leading this project represent claim participants in the Deline District. The project will thus be directed by organizations representing the local community, such as the Déline First Nation (DFN), and The Déline Renewable Resources Council (DRRC). The objectives of this research project are: a. to develop a research gap analysis and climate change vulnerability assessment f...

Sustainability's Paradox: Petro-Capitalism, Climate Change and Well-Being in Northern Communities: Phase 2
Principal Investigator: Freeland Ballantyne, Erin A
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: The project facilitates the training of a youth researcher team in Fort Simpson and Tuktoyaktuk through a process of participatory video to learn with community members about the concerns and impacts of climate change and oil and gas development on well-being in the community. The community will form a research team to guide the project, directed through youth-lead focus groups. Participants wi...

Community-Based Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Workshops
Principal Investigator: Ritchie, Douglas G.
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: This project consists of conducting a series of workshops with community governments and residents in the Northwest Territories on the topic of climate change. The two-day workshop in Deline, the last workshop in this series, is aimed at identifying existing and potential regional impacts, determining possible adaptive strategies to deal with climate change impacts, discovering areas for further ...

Community-Based Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Workshops
Principal Investigator: Ritchie, Douglas G.
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005
Summary: This project will consist of community workshops on selected climate change issues. A specific impact will be identified as a theme for a 1-2 day workshop in up to 5 regions across the NWT, and strategies to deal with those impacts will be mapped out. Objectives are to bring traditional knowledge holders and scientists together to share observations and predictions, discuss what likely impacts wi...

Public Attitudes and Awareness of Climate Change in the NWT
Principal Investigator: Little, Lois M.
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The project is being conducted by Lutra Associates Ltd. for the Arctic Energy Alliance. To provide a proper context for taking action on greenhouse gas emissions, the AEA wishes to ascertain information on the knowledge and attitudes amount youth in grades 5-12 about global warming and climate change. The Arctic Energy Alliance's survey of youth is designed to answer questions on climate change is...

Effects of global warming on settlements and non-renewable resource development in the Mackenzie Basin to the year 2050
Principal Investigator: Bone, Robert M.
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: Should global warming occur, the environment and human landscape may be altered. The researchers will be using public information (Statistics Canada censuses and public documents) to collect data for this study: they will use this data to examine the possible impacts that global warming might have on the Mackenzie Basin ecosystem and the human population residing in this region. The results of ...

Mackenzie Basin Impact Study: Land Assessment
Principal Investigator: Cohen, Stewart
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: The Mackenzie Basin Impact Study will assess the potential impacts of global climatic change on the region. The component on land assessment will determine possible changes in land capability. Information on resource management goals is needed so that the study can can assess whether changes in land capability might lead to conflicts over land use....