15 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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2001 Fish and Fish Habitat and Water Quality Surveys: Sahtu Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Metikosh, Serge
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on watercourse crossings located on Crown Land along the tentative pipeline corridor in the Sahtu Settlement Area. The amount of work to be completed at each watercourse crossing will be determined during the reconnaissance level survey and will largely be driven by their size and flow characteristics. Smaller ...

Alaskan Gas Producers Pipeline Team Environmental Studies for the Portion of the Proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Route Located Within the Sahtu Settlement Area.
Principal Investigator: Collard, Tod
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The proposed field research program on lands located within the Sahtu Settlement Area will include the following general areas of study: (1) freshwater aquatics (freshwater fish and their habitats, water quality, hydrology); (2) terrestrial wildlife, including waterfowl; (3) vegetation and soils; (4) archaeology; and (5) noise. For all studies, access will be by helicopter, boat or on foot, as ap...

Bull trout distribution and habitat requirements in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Mochnacz, Neil
Licensed Year(s): 2001 2000
Summary: Transportation to and from sampling sites will be provided by helicopter. Basic camping equipment will be set up for a few days in each sampling location for sleeping and eating during sampling. All fish captured will be tagged with colored tags (floy tags) and some (2-5) with radio-tags to identify fish movement and locate spawning sites. Fish will only be sampled to collect information on dis...

Environmental Assessment for Proposed Oil and Gas Development Activities in the Gwich'in Region, NWT.
Principal Investigator: Melton, Derek
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2000
Summary: Researchers will assess fish habitat (by documenting the potential of waterbodies) and to determine the presence or absense of wildlife in the vicinity of the proposed project. A search for registered archaelogical sites within the proposed area will also be undertaken. Information from these studies will form part of an environmental assessment for the proposed project. Researchers will access...

Environmental Assessment for AEC's proposed oil and gas development activities in the Sahtu, NWT
Principal Investigator: Machtans, Hillary
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The proposed field program is designed to provide information on fish habitat and wildlife in the area of three exploratory petroleum well sites and along their respective access routes in the Fort Liard/Nahanni Butte area. Researchers will travel to the well sites and along access routes sites by helicopter with survey work carried out by air, small boat and on foot. Fish habitat and water quali...