Principal Investigator:Rice, Keren Licensed Year(s):20172016201520142013
20112010 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to document Dene stories, language and song as a way of understanding governance and land stewardship.
The research follows the participatory method established by the Deline Uranium Team and Deline Knowledge Project. Déline governance will ensure that the research meets agreed-upon objectives benefiting the community; that Déline, Northwest Territories...
Principal Investigator:Allen, Wayne E. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
The researcher will conduct formal and informal interviews with the elders and community members of Fort Good Hope in order to collect data to test assumptions about the long-term sustainability of existing Dene harvest practices. Data will include resource distribution, land tenure and harvesting patterns, genealogies and traditional knowledge. The researcher has worked in consultation with the ...
Principal Investigator:Beaudry, Nicole Licensed Year(s):
199019891988 Summary:
The researcher will be continuing work begun in 1988. She will be conducting interviews with elders and making recordings where appropriate in the communities of Fort Good Hope, Fort Norman and Fort Franklin....