Principal Investigator:Kuntz, Janelle Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to explore the value of Tlicho women's traditional knowledge (TK) in the environmental assessment of the NICO project proposed by Fortune Minerals Limited.
Primary research questions include:
•What types of traditional knowledge were Tlicho women sharing in the context of the TK study interviews and public hearings?
•How did the process of the TK study influenc...
Principal Investigator:Holton, Gary Licensed Year(s):
The research objective is to document Yellowknife’s Dene astronomy and sky-related knowledge. Results will appear in the researcher’s Ph.D. dissertation on Northern Dene astronomy and may be published in a book on the same topic at a later date. Educational materials (such as a Wii`lii`deh and Tetso?´t’ine´ star chart) will also be produced for participating communities.
The researcher will pr...
Principal Investigator:Dawson, Leslie C Licensed Year(s):
2013 Summary:
The purpose of this research project is to:
- Illuminate local factors impacting pregnancy and maternal health that may then be later addressed through community based participatory research;
- Promote biocultural approaches to Aboriginal maternal health and wellbeing that incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing and traditional knowledge; and
- Elucidate factors impacting pregnancy and maternal ...
Principal Investigator:James, V. Angela Licensed Year(s):
Through the Indigenous research methodology of story, the purpose of this qualitative research is to examine the traditional pedagogies of NWT Aboriginal Elders and NWT Aboriginal curricula that describe capable learners to see if they corroborate contemporary educational approaches proposed by educators and researchers as being most effective in creating capable learners and citizens who can navi...
Principal Investigator:Carter, Blair Licensed Year(s):
Four objectives guide this research: 1) to gain an understanding of the current water resource conditions (e.g., quality and quantity) and contextual circumstances (e.g., community culture, history, traditions) impacting local water use in the Deh Cho Region of the NWT; 2) to use a social well-being lens to unpack values that people associate with water resources in the Region; 3) to translate the...
Principal Investigator:Walsh, David Licensed Year(s):
To examine Tlicho relationships with the environment, specifically with food-animals, through the lens of foodways - the beliefs, practices, rituals, and culture around food. The hypothesis is that an ethnographic study of foodways will reveal a dynamic social relationship with animals and other beings in the environment. This research will involve the Rae-Edzo Friendship Center and local harveste...
Principal Investigator:Martin, Jim L Licensed Year(s):
The focus of this inquiry is to study the epistemological problems of understanding emerging from unexamined assumptions and values that frame the belief systems of government professional practices, and indigenous ways of knowing in the Tlicho communities of the NWT.
The inquiry asks the question, “How can differences in ways of knowing between northern Canadian communities, and government be...
Principal Investigator:Coulthard, Glen Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1) document, evaluate and support the development of Dechinta Bush University Centre for Research and Learning; Including:
A. governance practices, institutional structures and partnerships,
B. teaching quality,
C. the integration of land-based learning with university programming,
D. students' personal and academic development and success, ...
Principal Investigator:Saxon, Leslie A. Licensed Year(s):20152014
20112009 Summary:
The purpose of this research project is to increase the existing Tlicho Multimedia Online Dictionary and the related iPhone/iPad app Yati by adding the place names information previously researched with Tlicho elders (Dogrib Treaty 11 Council 2002), and doing additional research with Tlicho people of all ages. You can look at the dictionary on the internet now: Other go...
Principal Investigator:Gilday, Cindy Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are:
Short Term:
•to engage in collective intergenerational knowledge sharing and creation to produce a compelling series of communication tools;
•to contribute to adaptation plans for communities through an extended dialogue on emergency preparedness and management; and
•to gauge the level of services already existing in the communities, while assessing...