Principal Investigator:Freeman, Lisa Licensed Year(s):
The relationship between resource development, affordable housing and government interventions in northern communities is a long and complicated one. Housing insecurity has been a concern in the Northwest Territories (NWT) since the establishment of settlements and the introduction of state-run housing programs in the mid-20th century. Chronic housing need is worsening in many settlement communiti...
Principal Investigator:Marlin, Marguerite Licensed Year(s):
This research examines two parliamentary states with large Arctic expanses and more Southern political centers – Canada and Russia – in order to determine the extent to which representation of Arctic interests is accomplished through different parliamentary systems and through parliamentary committees in particular.
The main research question is: What are the key historical, institutional, and...
Principal Investigator:Martin, Jim L Licensed Year(s):
The focus of this inquiry is to study the epistemological problems of understanding emerging from unexamined assumptions and values that frame the belief systems of government professional practices, and indigenous ways of knowing in the Tlicho communities of the NWT.
The inquiry asks the question, “How can differences in ways of knowing between northern Canadian communities, and government be...
Principal Investigator:Hampton, Mary Licensed Year(s):2015201420132012
This study will:
1. Integrate several sources of data to create an action plan that maps the socio-spatial problem of intimate partner violence;
2. Create narratives describing community response in rural and northern areas of the Prairie Provinces and the NWT; and
3. Generate a grounded theory as a practical tool to create and sustain non-violent communities in these regions of Canada.
The ...
Principal Investigator:Sabin, Jerald Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this work is to produce a chapter in an edited book about social economy organizations in Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. The book is supported by the Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada, located at Yukon College in Whitehorse, Yukon.
The chapter will provide a history of Alternatives North, an overview of its activities and activism, and an analysis o...
Principal Investigator:Posynick, James Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are to increase access to justice by increasing the availability of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes to NWT residents and to assist communities in using existing ADR or developing socially/culturally and legally...
Principal Investigator:Martin, Jim L Licensed Year(s):
The proposed qualitative social science research project will be confined to personal, or telephone, interviews with a selected group of approximately 30 people associated with the Dogrib Community Services Board. A focused interview method will be used that will allow for a broad exploration of issues related to the development and implementation of the Dogrib Community Services Board's organiza...
Principal Investigator:Beddoes, Colin Licensed Year(s):
1999 Summary:
This study will assist Gameti First Nation in preparing a tourism action plan and an analysis of the opportunities and constraints that are faced in the implementation of ecocultural tourism. Transportation to and on site will be by air. Data collection will be carried out while working under the direction of a consultant. Data collection will involve non-structured interviews and may involve ...
Principal Investigator:Abele, Francis Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Francis Abele is studying the transfer of government responsibilities from the federal to territorial government. She is studying the transfer of fire fighting and forestry management. Her main questions are: Did the transfer lead to better services f...
Principal Investigator:Graham, Katherine Licensed Year(s):1989
Ms Graham is part of a group of researchers investigating the transfer of power from federal to territorial governments. She will assess the impact devolution has on local governments, as well as how the policies developed are implemented. The focus will be on local councils and regional/tribal councils....