Principal Investigator:Corcoran, Patricia Licensed Year(s):
Research involves mapping and sampling of rocks for geological study. Equipment and all crew members will be transported to and removed from base camps by float plane (twin or turbine otter). A zodiac with 10-20 hsp motors will be used to travel within the study area. Rock samples (5-15 lbs) will be collected, small and large-scale maps will be compiled. The study will provide information about...
Principal Investigator:Bursey, Terry Lee Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and his team will study several well-exposed areas of sedimentary stata of Archean age within the Slave Province, Northwest Territories, in order to evaluate criteria for correlation and depositional environments....
Principal Investigator:King, Janet E. Licensed Year(s):
Mapping of bedrock and surfical geology will be conducted in numerous parts of the geologic Slave Province. Specific studies of the bedrock, such as its stratigraphy, the nature of the granitic rocks, how the rocks deformed and metamorphosed, and isotopic dating will provide insight on the geologic evolution of this part (Slave Province) of the Canadian Sheild....