Principal Investigator:Edwards, Thomas W.D. Licensed Year(s):
The proposed research is part of an ongoing program of hydrological studies in the north aimed at improving our understanding of how water cycles through natural drainage systems. This year, I will examine water evaporation on lakes and ponds that are located on mine sites: results from this research will aid in the design of better tailings impoundments containing mine wastes/contaminants....
Principal Investigator:Fletcher, W.K. Licensed Year(s):
The research will involve the collection of soil, lake sediments and waters. Soil and lake sediments will be sieved to give different size fractions (sand, silt, clay, etc.) and each fraction analyzed for gold to determine which size fraction is best to use in gold exploration....
Principal Investigator:Sekerak, Aaron D. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his assistant will obtain information on fish in the area so that potential impacts of mining in the region can be assessed....
Principal Investigator:Ott, Bruce Licensed Year(s):1990
Dr. Ott and his team will be collecting baseline environmental data on natural conditions at Nicholas Lake. This includes collecting water, soils and vegetation baseline data as well as conducting fisheries and habitat surveys. Archaeology and heritage su...
Principal Investigator:Enarson, Donald A. Licensed Year(s):
To establish a surveillance program for the early detection of lung cancer among a group of workers in the mining and smelting industries....