Principal Investigator:Jackson, Valerie A Licensed Year(s):200720062005
2003 Summary:
Southern Bear project area is centred approximately 240 km north-northwest of Yellowknife. Geological data on the area is sparse; the geology of the area is poorly understood and no modern geoscience data sets are available. This mapping project will d...
Principal Investigator:Buse, Sarah Licensed Year(s):
This research is for an M.Sc. project focused on defining the granites within the Wecho River area and is in conjunction with the Wecho River Mapping Project (Scientific Licence #13614). Mapping will be conducted throughout the summer. Mapping data will...
Principal Investigator:Ootes, Luke Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
The objective of this mapping project is to define the structural, metamorphic, lithological and geochemical bedrock characteristics of the area, and provide this information in an updated geological database. This is the second year of a two-year projec...
Principal Investigator:Pehrsson, Sally J Licensed Year(s):
19951994 Summary:
This will be the final summer of work for this phase of mapping in Indin Lake. The mapping data (including structural, petrological, geochemical &geochronological) will enable a detailed geological history of the project area to be constructed. This will include timing of major events, including volcanism, plutonism and sedimentation, and subsequent deformation. The results will be presented in...
Principal Investigator:St. Seymour, Karen Licensed Year(s):
(a) by employing petrochemical methods to delineate the chemostratigraphy of the Point Lake greenstone belt in the Slave structural Province and demonstrate its relationship with the Yellowknife volcanics; (b) chemically characterize and document the stratigraphy and tectonic style of the Redrock Lake volcanic belt....
Principal Investigator:Cavell, Patricia A. Licensed Year(s):
To undertake a long-term (3-4 year) study of a particular series of alkaline rocks. Samples and photographs will be taken and maps made of the area as part of the study....