Principal Investigator:Ootes, Luke Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
The objective of this mapping project is to define the structural, metamorphic, lithological and geochemical bedrock characteristics of the area, and provide this information in an updated geological database. This is the second year of a two-year projec...
Principal Investigator:Jackson, Valerie A Licensed Year(s):20022001
Snare River project is in the Slave Structural Province of the Northwest Territories. Geological data on the area is sparse and poorly understood. This mapping project will define the structural, metamorphic, lithological and geochemical bedrock characteristics of area, providing an up-dated geological data base. As well, examination of the tectonometamorphic evolution of part of the area will ...
Principal Investigator:Cairn, Scott Licensed Year(s):
A field camp will be flown out from Yellowknife in early June 2000. A tent camp will be established and researchers will made daily walks, noting the details of the rocks they are walking on. Notes will be recorded in a computer database. At times 1-5kg samples of rocks will be taken for further examination in a laboratory giving information on the composition of the rock, what has happened to ...