Principal Investigator:Kramers, Patrick Licensed Year(s):2024202320222021202020192018
2016201520142013201220112010 Summary:
The objective of the proposed studies is to continue to describe the existing environment, and obtain information once Project activities commence to determine potential project effects.
The proposed studies will include the collection of air quality, hydrology, geochemistry, vegetation, soil, water and sediment quality, and fish and aquatic resources data and wildlife occurrence. These study ...
Principal Investigator:O'Neill, Norm T Licensed Year(s):
20102009 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to measure the aerosol optical depth and sky radiance at Yellowknife using an automated, sun-tracking, CIMEL sunphotometer.
In this project, measurements of instruments in the network (called AEROCAN which is the Canadian sub-network of the world-wide NASA-led network called AERONET) are performed using a CIMEL sunphotometer / sky radiometer. This instr...
Principal Investigator:Bekhuys, Tim Licensed Year(s):2006
De Beers Canada has conducted a number of baseline studies in the Gahcho Kue' area, and is continuing these studies in 2005. AMEC Earth and Environmental will be doing the baseline studies on behalf of De Beers. The studies will consist of wildlife, fi...
Principal Investigator:Weagle, Ken V Licensed Year(s):2005
The purpose of this fieldwork is for the collection of baseline data to support an anticipated application to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board. There are 5 main components of the program. 1) Air quality and climate; General air quality will be m...
Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):
1995 Summary:
Methods of data collection will include water quality and bottom sampling in Lac de Gras and Lac du Sauvage; automatic and manual water level recordings; bathometric work; automatic weather stations and the monitoring of air-borne particles and visibility; continuation of baseline studies of soils and terrain, and vegetation; fish population, habitat, health, and spawning habits studies; baseline ...
Principal Investigator:Waite, Don Licensed Year(s):
In this study, we will collect air, dust and rain samples on a weekly basis at five Canadian locations during the months of June and July, 1993. Three locations are in the NWT while two locations are in Saskatchewan. The samples will be analyzed in Regina and Edmonton for the presence of certain insecticides, herbicides and PCB's that are known to be transported in the atmosphere....