Principal Investigator:Saxon, Leslie A. Licensed Year(s):20152014
20112009 Summary:
The purpose of this research project is to increase the existing Tlicho Multimedia Online Dictionary and the related iPhone/iPad app Yati by adding the place names information previously researched with Tlicho elders (Dogrib Treaty 11 Council 2002), and doing additional research with Tlicho people of all ages. You can look at the dictionary on the internet now: Other go...
Principal Investigator:Jaker, Alessandro M Licensed Year(s):20142013
2009200820072005 Summary:
This project will produce two published materials, in Dogrib and Chipewyan: an intermediate-level reader, and a verb dictionary. The reader will contain elders' stories on topics from Dene Kede, with a focus on animals: the research team would like to include at least two short stories on each animal in both languages. The verb dictionary will list at least 200 verbs in each language, with the...
Principal Investigator:Keillor, Elaine Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
The documentation and recording of the stories and songs of the Dene will hopefully provide a valuable resource for the Dene educational system and culture. Interviews with drummers/singers will be conducted to futher the researcher's understanding of the musical activities of these communities. The researcher would like to analyze the recordings with transliterations and translations from her 19...