Principal Investigator:Grant, Shelagh Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a survey of local peoples' opinion on the effects of World War Ii and their perceptions of the effects of WW II and how it changed such things as health care, education and government policy. This is the background to an M.A. history thesis....
Principal Investigator:Hutchinson, Tom Licensed Year(s):
To continue a study of the effects of acid fumes (Smoking Hills) on land and water vegetation. Soil samples will be collected for future lab analysis. Oil spill sites will also be revisited and monitored....
Principal Investigator:Spady, Donald W. Licensed Year(s):
As a follow-up to a 1973/74 study of infant mortality rates, this study will deal with these children (now 6 and 7 years of age) from the standpoint of their present health and the incidence of certain diseases....
Principal Investigator:Smith, Daniel W. Licensed Year(s):
To sample treated and untreated domestic water supplies for physical and chemical analysis, (e.g. turbidity, color, temperature and trace elements analysis, e.g. lead, zinc, silver and cadmium)....
Principal Investigator:Harding,, Lee Licensed Year(s):
To collect samples of soil, water, sediments and mammal tissue to determine the residual levels of herbicides and the possible presence of the chemical dioxin....
Principal Investigator:Calef, George Licensed Year(s):
To carry out monitoring and research studies of all major caribou herds and wolves which may include marking, tagging and collaring....
Principal Investigator:Kim, J.S. Licensed Year(s):
To establish scientific data collection stations for the International Magnetospheric Study 1976-79....
Principal Investigator:Hutchinson, Tom Licensed Year(s):
To determine the degree of recovery of crude oil spills made in 1972 and 1973 on taiga at Norman Wells and tundra at Tuktoyaktuk. To determine the effects of a 1975 diesel oil spill on taiga at Norman Wells and to compare the effects with crude oil spills made in comparable terrain. To examine the pattern of vegetational recovery of these areas. To examine the effects of crude oil spills made o...
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, David A. Licensed Year(s):
To acquire aerial photography of hydrologic characteristics of ice break-up and movement in the Mackenzie and lower Liard Rivers. To acquire photography of river break-up and environmentally sensitive areas along the proposed Arctic Islands pipeline route from Churchill to Spence Bay. To acquire photography of specific glaciology research sites throughout the Arctic Islands (with emphasis on the...
Principal Investigator:Suzuki, T.. Licensed Year(s):
To measure a number of sample forest plots in detail to assemble a body of data with which to test a computer simulation model of the growth and development of tree stands....