Principal Investigator:Smart, Miles S. Licensed Year(s):
To examine the Norman Wells Dene and Métis vision regarding research project themes (including but not limited to self-government, development, and land use).
This research will employ ethnographic methods centered on interviews and to a lesser extent observation. These interviews will be open-ended and not follow a strict set of questions. Rather they would present the research themes and allo...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
The objective of this project is to test the thermal properties of straw bales and reflective surfaces for use on permafrost slopes along a potential pipeline route in the Mackenzie Valley. These materials might be used in conjunction with or as alternatives to wood chips to protect the exposed slopes from surface erosion and reduce the rate of thawing. In mid-February 2006 a bulldozer and brush c...
Principal Investigator:Butler, R.W. Licensed Year(s):
To examine the compatibility of hydrocarbon development and the tourist industry and related resources in the Mackenzie Delta and surrounding area....