Principal Investigator:Cueva, Katie Licensed Year(s):
This project aims to learn about the scope of work, strengths, and areas for improvement of the Community Health Worker (CHW) and Community Health Representative (CHR) programs in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
All CHWs and CHRs employed in March-April, 2019 will be invited to participate in interviews, as well as all CHR and CHW managers. Where possible, interviews will be conducted in pe...
Principal Investigator:O'Rourke, Michael JE Licensed Year(s):
The goals of this project involve establishing a community-directed cultural landscape management framework, capable of being updated in an iterative manner as Inuvialuit perspectives and priorities change over time, and as new information about specific locations and climate related impacts become available. The research being proposed will result in the completion of the Inuvialuit Place Names P...
Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
20182017 Summary:
The objective of this project is to better understand how Project Jewel’s on-the-land programming offers culturally safe and trauma and violence informed programs that meet the self-identified needs of residents of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) as the community partner in this research project will be the owner of the data and control the research p...
Principal Investigator:Fresque-Baxter, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The Aurora Research Institute (ARI) and Government of the Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) have joined with research partners in communities, Canadian universities, and throughout the NWT, including the Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC), to conduct research on the state of country food systems in the Northwest Territories (NWT). Jessica Dutton (ARI) and Jenni...
Principal Investigator:van der Sanden, Josephus J Licensed Year(s):
This project aims to undertake fieldwork in the context of the PermASAR winter campaign. The data collected will support the evaluation and development of radar satellite Earth observation (EO) technology for application to the mapping of river and lake ice processes and properties.
The research team expect the fieldwork to take place over a period of two to three weeks in the months of Februar...
Principal Investigator:Janus, Magdalena Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
Annually collected Early Development Instrument (EDI) data provides information to guide decision-making, monitor trends and measure the impacts of changes to programs and services provided for children in the early years. The five domains of early childhood development measured by the EDI are predictive of school outcomes, including academic achievement, and so the data is also used by schools an...
Principal Investigator:Gray, Derek K Licensed Year(s):
20182017 Summary:
The purpose of this project is to obtain baseline data for fish communities in Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA) and Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) lakes and use these data to predict future changes in fish communities caused by climate change.
Specific objectives are:
1) to develop a baseline data set for fish populations, fish habitat, water quality, and water temperature for small and m...
Principal Investigator:Farnel, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The purpose of this project is to gain insight into what characterizes culturally appropriate metadata frameworks for digital libraries of cultural resources and what processes can be used for developing them. Specifically, the research team are seeking to better understand how Indigenous communities in northern Canada characterize culturally appropriate metadata frameworks for digital libraries o...
Principal Investigator:Behe, Carolina Licensed Year(s):
20182017 Summary:
Objectives of this research are: to synthesize and evaluate existing legal frameworks for Inuit self-governance reflected in legal authorities in the United States (U.S.) and Canada; 2) to evaluate how existing Inuit self-governance approaches operate in practice by examining four co-management case studies as examples of approaches to food sovereignty, in order to gain a comprehensive understandi...
Principal Investigator:Hajnsek, Irena Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
For this project the research team will conduct the collection of microwave radar backscatter data of permafrost and boreal forest at wavelengths of 3cm (X-band), 6cm (C-band), 10cm (S-band) and 23cm (L-band). This process will capture two stable permafrost active layer states: thawed and frozen. The research team will derive information about permafrost (e.g. soil status, soil moisture) and about...