4 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Defining the biothermal envelope of Dolly Varden in the Canadian Western Arctic to inform conservation planning.
Principal Investigator: Mochnacz, Neil
Licensed Year(s): 2019
Summary: The first phase of this field program was implemented in 2018, where approximately twenty loggers were deployed and retrieved. A minimum sample size of seventy is required to build a robust stream temperature model. The research team propose to deploy July 14-15 and retrieve August 29-30 the remaining temperature loggers (n = 50) across the Fish Creek watershed. This data will be used to develop a...

Yukon North Slope charr tagging project
Principal Investigator: Stabler, Matt
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: Dolly varden charr that use the Babbage, Firth, Big Fish and Rat Rivers spend the summer months in the estuary off of the Yukon North Slope. It is not yet known to what extent charr from each of these rivers mix while they are together during the summer. The researchers will be at King Point during the course of other duties and will catch and radio tag ten charr in order to monitor the fish's m...

Estimation of the size of the dolly varden charr run at Big Fish River, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Harwood, Lois
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: A deflection board weir was used to assess the size of the upstream run of dolly varden charr at Big Fish River in 1991. Results suggested that migrant non-spawners may have been deterred by the weir. Consequently, the 1992 attempt to estimate run size used tagging methods at the Cache Creek site. The fish tagged at Cache Creek will be captured at the Fish Hole in the fall in order to produce a...

Fish enumeration and biology of Arctic Char in the Big Fish River.
Principal Investigator: MacDonell, Don
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To conduct a complete enumeration of arctic char and othr fish species using a weir in the Big Fish River, N.W.T. Biological Data will be collected and a Schaefer Population Estimate will be conducted in order to compare the two enumeration methods....