97 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped): Not seeing the results you want? Tryadvanced search.
Principal Investigator:Borrmann, Stephan P Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are:
(1.) To perform in-situ measurements of number concentrations, optical properties, and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol particles with sizes between 3 nanometers and 10 micrometers.
(2.) Identify aerosols of natural and anthropogenic origin.
(3.) Quantify their relative contributions in dependency of particle size.
(4.) Evaluate the pot...
Principal Investigator:Hynes, Kristin Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research project is to determine what species inhabit the lake and collect measurements and samples from the fish to determine age, length, weight, contaminant levels, and general condition to gain more information on population structure. Information will be reported back to the Olokhaktomiut Hunters and Trappers Committee (OHTC).
Two monitors will use fishing nets and/...
Principal Investigator:Gantner, Nikolaus (Klaus) Licensed Year(s):
20122011 Summary:
The overall goals are to:
1. Provide baseline information on contaminant levels, incorporate Traditional Knowledge, and jointly plan future monitoring based on these and other resources;
2. Build capacity locally by providing training in sampling and monitoring techniques to local persons, and;
3. Establish a monitoring plan that incorporates science and TK-based data which provides information...
Principal Investigator:Challen Urbanic, Jane Licensed Year(s):
201120102009 Summary:
The objective of this research is to assess the performance of lagoons and wetlands in the treatment of municipal wastewater in Canada's Arctic. A secondary objective is to determine the occurrence of trace contaminants in northern wastewaters.
Samples will be taken from the influent (raw sewage) and effluent (treated wastewater) of each wastewater system identified earlier in the application. ...
Principal Investigator:Reinfort, Breanne C Licensed Year(s):
201120102009 Summary:
The short-term objectives of this research project are to:
- bring forward indigenous perspectives on contaminants, contaminant research, and how research is communicated and made accessible to communities;
- discuss contaminants issues in the context of their applicability to the daily lives of community members, and in the broader context of local and scientific knowledge of climate variabilit...
Principal Investigator:Pisaric, Michael FJ Licensed Year(s):201820172016201520142013
201120102009 Summary:
Climate change and industrial contaminants are two principal concerns for Arctic residents. The objectives of this research are to examine the impacts of climate and environmental change on freshwater ecosystems in the Inuvik region across a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Specifically, the team is examining the impacts of permafrost degradation and subsequent thaw slumping on freshwater e...
Principal Investigator:Bird, Sam P Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research project is to collect supplementary soil and water samples to further delineate areas of the site affected by hydrocarbons, metals and salinity and to assess area for possible impacts where infrastructure has been removed.
Soil samples will be collected with hand tools and placed in ziplock bags to roughly measure hydrocarbons while in the field and into glass ja...
Principal Investigator:Ostertag, Sonja K Licensed Year(s):
20082006 Summary:
The objectives of this study are to collect brain samples from beluga whales harvested in the ISR for
contaminant and brain analyses. The researcher will establish whether a link exists between contaminant exposure and brain chemistry. This information is important for understanding whether contaminants are affecting beluga health.
Sampling will take place for four to six weeks at Hendrickson...
Principal Investigator:Graydon, Jennifer A Licensed Year(s):
The long-term goal of the research program is to quantify the annual mass delivery of total mercury (THg; all forms of mercury in a sample) and methylmercury (MeHg) from the Mackenzie River to the Beaufort Sea. Accurate annual mercury (Hg) fluxes are currently not available from the Mackenzie River and represent a key, unmeasured source of Hg to the Beaufort Sea marine ecosystem. The specific ob...
Principal Investigator:Chatwood, Susan Licensed Year(s):
The study will seek to describe the baseline measurements required for ongoing surveillance and monitoring of soil, water and human health outcomes in the ISR. Pilot water testing will be set up in water sources for ISR communities and identify and describe microbes and contaminants that are present. Based on the microbes and contaminants present in the water sources of the ISR, the researcher pla...