537 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Reconnaissance Surveys to Select Sample Sites for Detailed Biophysical Surveys in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region: Biophysical Baseline Studies in Support of the Mackenzie Delta Gas Feasibility Study.
Principal Investigator: Green, Jeff
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will conduct water and aquatic, terrestrial and social reconnaissance surveys of the proposed development area. Helicopters will be used, to allow aerial examination of specific sites and, if required, to land for ground inspections (outside sensitive sites identified by the HTCs and archaeological sites identified by information obtained from the Prince of Wales Northern Heri...

Evaluation of New Technologies for Environmental Impact Assessment in the Offshore, Canadian Beaufort Sea
Principal Investigator: Blasco, Steve M
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The Coast Guard vessel CCGS Nahidik will be used as a research platform to conduct offshore surveys in the Beaufort Sea. A regional grid of survey lines which were first surveyed in the1980's will be resurveyed as follows: (1) using a 300kHz short range multibeam echo sounder (Simrad EM 3000) to produce along-track maps of the topography and character of the seabed. These tracks will be approxi...

Alternate Forest Products: A Dynamic Time and Space Model of Driftwood Along the Lower Mackenzie River
Principal Investigator: Wein, Ross
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002 2001
Summary: Methods include surveys of community elders to understand how driftwood is harvested and how many logs were harvested historically and at present. Remote sensing techniques will be used to quantify the inventory of riverside trees, the rates of bank erosion and the inventory of logs on the riverbanks. Rates of log movements will be estimated using river hydrology data and mark-recapture approaches...

An Aquatic Effects Study for the Ferry Crossings near Tsiigehtchic and Ft. McPherson, NT
Principal Investigator: Parlee, Brenda L
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001
Summary: The Aquatic Effects Study will include the general components of fisheries, water quality, river hydraulics, ferry landing operations, and traditional knowledge (TK). The specific Study objectives are as follows: (1) Complete an assessment of fish habitat quality including photographs; (2) Determine which fish species utilize the area; (3) Collect Gwich'in TK in relation to fish and fish habitat. ...

Geological Mapping, Stratigraphic and Structural Analysis in the Aklavik Range and Adjacent Parts of the Northern Richardson Mountains.
Principal Investigator: Lane, Larry S
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team proposes three activities. Geological mapping at a 1:50,000 scale, carried out by the Geological Survey of Canada, will provide an updated and detailed geological map of the Aklavik Range, which was previously mapped at reconnaissance scale in the 1960's and 70's. Stratigraphic studies will consist of detailed measurement and description of specific rock units of Jurassic and Cr...

Paleoecology of Mercy Bay reefs, Frasnian, Banks Island
Principal Investigator: Edinger, Evan N
Licensed Year(s): 2001 2000
Summary: The research team will examine the detailed structure, sedimentology and paleoecology of reefs in Mercy Bay. Transportation by fixed-wing aircraft to Polar Bear cabin near Castel Bay will be followed by helicopter transport to various field sites (East Branch Mercy River; Lower Mercy River; Southern Patch reefs; Princess Royal Islands; Hay Point, Victoria Island; Gordon Point, Victoria Island). ...

Analysis of Oxygen-18 Isotope Rates From Northern Alaska and Canada
Principal Investigator: Masse, Tom
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team proposes to collect ice cores and liquid water from the Mackenzie River adjacent to the Town of Inuvik. The research team will then examine the concentration of the naturally occuring, stable isotope of oxygen (oxygen -18) in these ice and water samples, and determine how these concentrations differ in Northern Alaska and Canada. All samples will be taken to the University of A...

Late Quaternary History of the Richardson Mountains and the Melville Hills
Principal Investigator: Lamoureux, Scott F
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research will require fieldwork in the Richardson Mountains between 27 April and 8 May, 2001. Research will involve the development of a high-resolution paleoenvironmental record based on lake sediments from up to six lakes in the Richardson Mountains and the Melville Hills in the NWT. Transportation in the field for the Dempster Highway study will be by snowmobile and snowshoes. If snow cov...

The Influence of Snowcover on the Ground Surface Temperature in Permafrost
Principal Investigator: Riseborough, Dan
Licensed Year(s): 2001 2000
Summary: This study will attempt to understand and predict how cold the ground surface gets in the winter under snow. Transportation to the site will be by helicopter and accommodation at the site will be in tents or at an existing cabin. Travel from camps to sample sites will be by foot. Electronic data recorders were installed in August 2000 to record air, ground and surface temperature through the wi...

Emission of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds from Western-Canadian Tundra During the Autumn Freeze-up Period.
Principal Investigator: Huffman, Bill
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: It is proposed that about 12 air samples would be collected into 6 liter stainless steel canisters using a small (<10kg) battery powered air sampler. Additionally, a 0.5 cubic meter open-bottom PVC chamber would be placed on the tundra for a period of 4-6 hours. Air would be sampled from the chamber periodically to establish biogenic emmission rates of n-butanol and other volatile organic compo...