Principal Investigator:Thiessen, Kellie Licensed Year(s):
20202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4932.
This research study is being conducted to study how maternity programs and policies effect life-giving processes care for individuals and communities in Northern Canadian regions.
The research team will study which maternity service delivery models are the best at supporting people to maintain health and wellness i...
Principal Investigator:Wray, Kristine E J Licensed Year(s):2021
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4406.
The research team seeks to document an oral history of the growth of the commercial fishery from the community perspective in terms of four stages: the Dene fishery (up to 1944), the early commercial fishery (1945-1969), federal management by the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation (1970-2018), and the present phase...
Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
20172016 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4369.
Tracking Change: Local and Traditional Knowledge in Watershed Governance is a six-year research program funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and led by the University of Alberta, Mackenzie River Basin Board, and the Government of the Northwest Territories in collaboration with many other value...
Principal Investigator:Fresque-Baxter, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
The Aurora Research Institute (ARI) and Government of the Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) have joined with research partners in communities, Canadian universities, and throughout the NWT, including the Northwest Territories Métis Nation (NWTMN), to conduct research on the state of country food systems in the Northwest Territories (NWT). Jennifer Fresque-...
Principal Investigator:Moffitt, Pertice M Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. conduct retrospective chart audits to provide epidemiological data on breastfeeding initiation and duration rates;
2. conduct focus group meetings with grandmothers and great-grandmothers to learn about past practices and traditional knowledge about caring for babies;
3. conduct semi-structured interviews with mothers to learn about the determi...
Principal Investigator:Milley, Christopher Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this project is to gain information that will be used to produce a Traditional Knowledge and Users' report specific to the area within the Pine Point Rail Bed site boundaries and address information gaps in traditional land use and recreational use of First Nations, Métis and local site users.
Primary data collection will seek to identify and describe communities and organizat...
Principal Investigator:Robinson, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research are to build up baseline reports on the social/economic and land and resource use conditions in the research area. The objectives of the Traditional Knowledge (TK) research is to compile a baseline report on TK for future consideration in the Environmental Assessment
Socioeconomic Research:
Length of interviews - typically lasting approximately an hour, longer i...
Principal Investigator:Sandlos, John K Licensed Year(s):2013
201120102009 Summary:
The research team will work closely with members of four NWT communities to identify the historical and continued impacts of abandoned mines adjacent to their communities. The research team will ask how mineral development impacted the social life, economic prospects and local environments of Northern communities throughout the twentieth century, considering carefully the connections between socia...
Principal Investigator:Parker, Aliana Licensed Year(s):
The research objective is to understand the connection between Indigenous languages and the land, and to explore how that connection is represented in websites used for Indigenous language education. The central research question is: What is the significance of Indigenous perspectives of land for Indigenous language revitalization efforts? The connection between language and land will be the main ...
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, Douglas G. Licensed Year(s):2006
This project will consist of community workshops on selected climate change issues. A specific impact will be identified as a theme for a 1-2 day workshop in up to 5 regions across the NWT, and strategies to deal with those impacts will be mapped out. Objectives are to bring traditional knowledge holders and scientists together to share observations and predictions, discuss what likely impacts wi...