Principal Investigator:van der Sanden, Joost J. Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 6038.
This project aims to collect field data for use in the development of methods that will enable the application of images from Canada’s RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) to the mapping and monitoring of river and lake ice properties and processes.
We expect the fieldwork to take place on approximately six days o...
Principal Investigator:Aporta, Claudio Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are:
1. To document Inuit mobility patterns of Inuvialuit;
2. To create a series of regional maps that will show networks of routes connecting the Inuvialuit region, as well as the totality of the Canadian Arctic;
3. To gather further evidence to establish that mobility is a central factor of Inuit occupancy;
4. To gather evidence of systematic use of marine, coast...
Principal Investigator:Lantz, Trevor C. Licensed Year(s):20222019201820172016201520142013
2011 Summary:
The core objective of this research is to work with Inuvialuit and Gwich’in experts to document and share local observations of environmental conditions. Over time this will build a record of observations, against which future changes can be compared. To document local observations this research will employ methods including participatory photo-mapping, participatory-video, web-based mapping, ph...
Principal Investigator:Couture, Réjean Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
The goal of this project is to compile updated baseline information/knowledge on the types, regional distribution, and controls (e.g. forests fires, climate change) of landslides. The main objectives of the field reconnaissance at landslide sites are six-fold: 1) to validate previous data collected through air photo interpretation and remote sensing techniques; 2) to carry out detailed mapping at ...
Principal Investigator:Raygorodetsky, Gleb Licensed Year(s):1996
Through a participatory action research process, the GEKP will collect, organize and present, in a report form, traditional environmental knowledge in the Gwich'in Settlement Area (GSA). This is a two year joint project between the Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board Board and the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, working with Gwich'in beneficiaries. Both groups will be responsible for direc...
Principal Investigator:Durham, J. Wyatt Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The researchers will collect specimens of fossil molluscs exposed in critical areas. This involves simply breaking rocks loose from their location. No excavation deeper than 1 foot is contemplated. Localities will be marked on topographic maps and measurements of sections exposed in river banks will be made. Analysis will be completed in California. Significant specimens will be returned to t...
Principal Investigator:Kettles, Inez Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will map the configuration of peat deposits and permafrost within them using geophysical surveys (ground penetrating radar and EM-31). This will involve setting out a traverse line on foot using measuring tape and flagging tape, taking measurements along the traverse line with hand-held equipment and measuring the depth of peat using a probe. The researcher will drive or fly out ...
Principal Investigator:Lane, Larry S Licensed Year(s):
19911987 Summary:
The field component of this project consists of examination of exposures of bedrock during ground surveys (on foot) at selected sites. This work will produce a geological map showing rock types, ages and positions as well as the degree to which the layers of rock have been folded or faulted during times in which mountains were formed. Licence issued for purposes of using the Inuvik Research Cent...
Principal Investigator:Taylor, K.C. Licensed Year(s):
Mapping of renewable resources and present use in the Mackenzie Valley and Great Bear Lake areas for Arctic Land Use....