Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):
2011201020092008200720062005 Summary:
“Environmental Studies across Treeline (ESAT) in the Mackenzie Delta region” is a northern based collaborative program with an objective to enhance the understanding of environmental conditions in the Mackenzie Delta region through scientific studies and monitoring. Specific studies include: 1) monitoring permafrost conditions in the Mackenzie Delta region; 2) examining freeze-back of the active l...
Principal Investigator:Pearce, Cheryl M. Licensed Year(s):1993
19911990 Summary:
The researcher will complete the intensive sampling of the Arctic Coastal Plain west of Shallow Bay on the Mackenzie River Delta to the Alaska border, where tundra surfaces could differ from those east of the Mackenzie Delta, high arctic tundra on northern Cape Bathurst, and additional treeline sites between Inuvik and the Horton River....
Principal Investigator:Luckman, B.H. Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Luckman and one assistant will look for potential sites for the Geological Survey of Canada to study global change. They will also obtain recent tree-ring chronologies from treeline sites in the Mackenzie Delta....