Principal Investigator:Hodgetts, Lisa M Licensed Year(s):
The Principle Investigator (PI) will work with Inuvialuit elders, knowledge holders and youth to develop a visual documentary project highlighting Inuvialuit perspectives on their history and heritage that blends photo, video, audio and graphic design. General research questions revolve around:
1) How can archaeologists foster the transfer of knowledge about traditional Inuvialuit activities, t...
Principal Investigator:Lyons, Natasha L. Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
Archaeologists are increasingly aware that engaging aboriginal peoples in research is essential. Public archaeology emphasizes community outreach and involvement, and this study aims to develop a program of public archaeology in collaboration with the Inuvialuit communities of Aklavik and Inuvik. The communities recognize that elders' knowledge is being lost at an unprecedented rate and this has ...
Principal Investigator:Andrews, Tom Licensed Year(s):
The researcher as part of the archaeology program of the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute will interview elders about the upper Arctic Red River. Information regarding traditional place names, hunting, fishing and trapping areas, camping spots, location of graves and sacred sites and major trails will be discussed and recorded. This information will help determine where the researcher will...
Principal Investigator:Hart, Elisa J. Licensed Year(s):199519941993
1991 Summary:
The researcher and her team will document the early history of the reindeer herding industry, conduct interviews with elders to obtain information on the location and nature of traditionally used places and gain insights into aspects of traditional technology that are of benefit to archaeological interpretation. As well, traditional knowledge of climate change will be examined through interviews ...