Principal Investigator:Beveridge, Leah F Licensed Year(s):
A trip will be made to Inuvik in the Northwest Territories to conduct meetings and semi-structured interviews with representatives in the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC), the Inuvialuit Development Corporation (IDC), the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation, and regional offices of the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Departments of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE);...
Principal Investigator:Blake, Ruth A Licensed Year(s):
The licence is issued for the scientific research application #858.
The objective of the research project is to understand how the Gwich'in people of Fort McPherson perceived death and dying historically, and how death and dying is currently viewed. This research also aims to document protocols surrounding death and dying in the this community. The knowledge may educate those in the medical an...
Principal Investigator:Ayers, Harvard G Licensed Year(s):
2007 Summary:
The purpose of this project is to publicize the rich cultural heritage of Arctic Aboriginal peoples, especially as relates to their relationship to the land. The plan is to interview people (mostly Aboriginal) and publish a book, to bring their voices to the Canadian and American public, and to humanize these subjects so that the human rights component of the energy policy debate is brought to the...
Principal Investigator:Slowey, Gabrielle A Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research is to investigate community concerns, including what are they, how and why these concerns have changed over time, how they are reflected in land-claim agreements and may affect their future self-government agreement.
Other objectives are: To identify ways in which the state, in the past two decades, has created policies which may have proven beneficial and liberatin...
Principal Investigator:Kruse, Jack Licensed Year(s):
Part A: "Possible Futures Model". Researchers have constructed models which project how force of change will affect communities in the future, based on local knowledge and research findings of previous studies. In 1998-99, the "Possible Futures Model" will be presented to people of Fort McPherson and Aklavik. The model allows users to consider the effects of changes that may occur in the next 40 ...
Principal Investigator:Pisani, Shane Licensed Year(s):
My research collection will be comprised of both interviews for key stakeholders and surveys amongst all stakeholders in the tourism industry. I am anticipating beginning interviews and surveys in early August and completing the research by mid-September 1998. The interviews and surveys will involve government agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGO's)- no individual names will be used. T...
Principal Investigator:Dressler, Wolfram Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the study is to identify both the current and future positive and negative impacts of nature-based tourism within the Delta. The study will be carried out through the Inuvik Research Centre. Tourists will be canvassed at drop-off points and surveys will be mailed out according to visitor listings. Visitor surveys will be left at camp grounds and hotels. The same procedure will occ...
Principal Investigator:Hainstock, Beverly Licensed Year(s):
Data collection methods will include an Internet literature search, a review of materials from previous workshops, and a questionnaire for both professional persons and organizations and the general population. Information will be used to produce a plain language report and a pamphlet in Gwich'in, Inuvialuit and English. This information will be presented at a community meeting where possible pl...
Principal Investigator:Oakes, Jill Licensed Year(s):1992
Inuvialuit and Netsilik Inuit will be interviewed in their homes, sewing igloos and sewing clubs. The research assistants will participate in all skin preparation and clothing production phases of boot production. Photographs, sketches, and notes will be used to record techniques and variations in socio-cultural-physical environments....