4 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Proposed Helicopter Reconnaissance – Spring and Summer Programs 2014 for Proposed Aklavik West Road and Bridge
Principal Investigator: Kors-Olthof, Rita I
Licensed Year(s): 2014 2011
Summary: The overall goal is to describe the environmental conditions present along the trail and bridge site for planning purposes to avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate potential impacts to the natural, resource, and cultural features along the proposed road and bridge alignment. The priority for observations will be between the turn-off from Bickish Avenue to about 800 m west of the proposed bridge locatio...

2003 Route and Site Selection in the Gwich'in Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Povey, Andrew
Licensed Year(s): 2005 2004 2003 2002
Summary: This project will involve several helicopter flights for the purposes of pipeline routing, site selection and geotechnical observation within the Gwich'in Settlement Area. During the flights, locations of important land features will be confirmed by Glo...

Licence #4080
Principal Investigator: Lingnau, Brian
Licensed Year(s): 1984
Summary: To make qualitative and quantitative observations of the performance of the Dempster Highway and to suggest design improvements. Observations include cut/fill slope sloughing, permafrost, degradation from highway fills. Cuts, bridges and culverts, borrow pit degradation, road trafficability, road heave and subsidence and drainage disruption....

Licence #2343
Principal Investigator: Bouckhout, Leo W.
Licensed Year(s): 1978
Summary: (1) To survey native grasses, legumes and shrubs and evaluate their usefulness for revegetating disturbed areas. (2) To conduct fish counts, collect water samples for chemical data determination and prepare descriptions of all water crossings....