Principal Investigator:Langer, Moritz Licensed Year(s):20242023
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5218.
The aim of the citizen science project UndercoverEisAgenten is to study permafrost changes in the Arctic to raise awareness of these environmental changes and strengthen the data basis for science. Students from Moose Kerr School in Aklavik will design their own permafrost change related research questions and work wi...
Principal Investigator:Pisaric, Michael FJ Licensed Year(s):
201720162015201420132012201120102009 Summary:
This research will continue the long term objective of documenting and understanding the impacts of recent climate change on northern terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The short term objectives of my research for 2018 are: 1) to investigate the impacts of permafrost degradation and subsequent thaw slumping on freshwater ecosystems; 2) to examine the limnological implications of drained lakes on ...
Principal Investigator:Eglinton, Timothy I Licensed Year(s):2011
2007 Summary:
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application no. 955.
The objective of this research is to collect sediment cores from the Mackenzie River Delta in order to study how the river has behaved in the past, and see if the researchers can detect recent changes due to thawing permafrost. More specifically, the goal is to determine whether the researchers can reconstruct past c...
Principal Investigator:Zhou, Fuqun Licensed Year(s):
Structural infrastructure in northern communities is dependent on the permafrost layer for stability. The thawing and disappearance of the permafrost layer has accelerated in recent decades, damaging buildings and other infrastructure, and causing public...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):
200320022001200020001999 Summary:
This research will investigate: A) the physical and chemical characteristics of permafrost in the Mackenzie Delta region to identify areas of ice-rich permafrost or thaw sensitive terrain. Second; B) the effect of permafrost degradation on water quality...