Principal Investigator:Chappell, Hayley Licensed Year(s):
The overall goal of the project is to examine the various factors which motivate tourists to select locations Canadian Arctic, such as Inuvik, as a travel destination. The researcher will be interviewing tourists traveling to Inuvik. A questionnaire form and/or a personal interview will be used to ask questions about their visit to the Northwest Territories. All participants will have the objectiv...
Principal Investigator:Richardson, Denrick Licensed Year(s):
The study will follow an ethnographic or qualitative approach. An attempt will be made to interview a total of 100 people representing influential people in the communities....
Principal Investigator:Seddon, Laura Licensed Year(s):
The researcher is conducting a survey of all NWT researchers who received a research permit or licence under the Scientists Act, the Wildlife Act or the NWT Archaeological Sites Regulations in 1993. This survey will collect data on the nature of research activities, and the economic and educational opportunities provided to NWT residents as a result of these activities....