24 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Community-based monitoring of whitefish in the lower Mackenzie River watershed
Principal Investigator: Hovel, Rachel A
Licensed Year(s): 2021 2019
Summary: The objective of this project is to maintain a community-based monitoring program in the communities of Fort McPherson, Aklavik, and Tsiigehtchic. Data collected in this community-based monitoring program and other previous research has shown that ocean-migrating broad whitefish use the Peel River as spawning habitat, and that these fish also make extensive migrations between rivers in the lowe...

Defining the biothermal envelope of Dolly Varden in the Canadian Western Arctic to inform conservation planning.
Principal Investigator: Mochnacz, Neil
Licensed Year(s): 2019
Summary: The first phase of this field program was implemented in 2018, where approximately twenty loggers were deployed and retrieved. A minimum sample size of seventy is required to build a robust stream temperature model. The research team propose to deploy July 14-15 and retrieve August 29-30 the remaining temperature loggers (n = 50) across the Fish Creek watershed. This data will be used to develop a...

Dolly Varden Char Assessment in the Peel Plateau
Principal Investigator: Maier, Kris
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The objectives of this research project are: 1) to re-assess the anadromous component of the known Vittrekwa River Dolly Varden char population; 2) to investigate & assess other potential suitable Dolly Varden habitat; and 3) to confirm the presence of Dolly Varden char in the Stony Creek watershed. For the Vittrekwa River the research team plans to construct a fixed weir which will trap se...

Loche Liver Study
Principal Investigator: Thompson, Amy L
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: This licence is being issued for the scientific research application # 778. This research will examine the livers of Loche fish in the GSA. This research will be completed through: 1) field collection of loche in each of the GSA communities; 2) biological sampling of loche; 3) analysis of stomach health and aging (using isotopes). More specifically, biological measurements will be taken for ea...

Traditional knowledge on Loche
Principal Investigator: Thompson, Amy L
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: This project is divided into two phases: Year 1: Traditional knowledge interviews (this licence) will be conducted in each of the four GSA communities. The objective is to document traditional knowledge about loche biology and loche liver condition. Specifically, questions will be asked about loche spawning, movements, predator-prey relationships, habitat, historic changes, loche livers and tra...

Testing molecular and otolith tools to investigate population-of-origin and migration in Arctic cisco found in the Colville River, Alaska
Principal Investigator: Nielsen, Jennifer L.
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: This study aims to use genetic markers and otolith microchemistry to determine if differences exist between putative Arctic cisco spawning aggregations in tributaries of the Mackenzie River (Peel and Arctic Red rivers); and, if differences do exist, to use this information to identify population-of-origin for fish caught in the Colville River subsistence fishery. During the summer or fall (1 Au...

Biological studies of waters along the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline route - Gwich'in Settlement Region
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S.
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2008 2007 2006
Summary: While data collected during the Environmental Impact Assessment studies (carried out in conjunction with the proposed construction and operation of the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline) are relatively comprehensive in describing the major physical-chemical features of the aquatic environment, they are lacking in the descriptions of the biological features of these environments, and as a consequence, their s...

Investigation of Vittrekwa River Dolly Varden
Principal Investigator: Millar, Nathan P
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: The northern subspecies of Dolly Varden char is represented by only five populations in Canada. Of these populations, the Vittrekwa River Dolly Varden has been least studied. In the late 1990s, the presence of this fish was confirmed by the Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Data collected through studies conducted by these organizations showed that at le...

Testing Fish Deterrents for Use Under-Ice in the Mackenzie Delta Area
Principal Investigator: Hannay, David
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: This study is designed to assess the reaction of 4 northern freshwater fish species (Lake trout, Northern Pike, Lake whitefish and Inconnu) to underwater sound and light. Sound signals and strobe lights are commonly used to keep fish away from locations...

Travaillant Lake Floy-tagging
Principal Investigator: Walker-Larsen, Jennifer
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: Travaillant Lake is the largest lake in the Gwich'in Settlement Area and is an important area for fish and wildlife harvesting. However, little is known about the fish populations in the lake and it is unclear whether the fish are landlocked or migrator...