Principal Investigator:Wheeler, Helen Licensed Year(s):2023
20212020 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5331.
The objectives of this project are to monitor beaver occurrence changes; to assess past beaver occupancy patterns using shrub ring analysis; and to understand how permanent and transient beaver populations impact their environment.
The research team will conduct canoe and boat-based visual surveys to map beaver dis...
Principal Investigator:Green, Scott Licensed Year(s):2009
This licence was issued for the application # 836.
The project will examine past tree growth patterns at the northern treeline in Western Canada as a baseline to predict future growth responses to climate change. Additionally, the researchers will examine tree regeneration and plant associations at the northern treeline.
Growth-ring analyses will be conducted in mature treeline populations....
Principal Investigator:Osawa, Akira Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will conduct research on jack pine forests along the highways in Wood Buffalo National Park and will also collect stem increment cores from black spruce trees around the latitudinal tree line near Inuvik. This research will consist of remeasurement of permanent plots, foliage distribution and light measurement, establishment of pruning experiment and stem core sampling near Inuvik....
Principal Investigator:Eggertsson, Olafur Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will sample about 100-200 driftwood logs using a chain-saw to cut off a 1-2 cm plate about 0.5 m inside the end of each log. The material will be shipped to Lund University laboratory for examination....