Principal Investigator:Armitage, Peter Licensed Year(s):
To document Aklavik Inuvialuit Traditional Use (hunting, trapping, fishing, collection of berries, camp locations, travel routes, etc.) and some Traditional Knowledge related to focal species in the context of renewing the Yukon North Slope Conservation and Management Plan.
Over a 4-5 week period starting in February 2015, the Principle Investigator (PI) and a community co-researcher will inter...
Principal Investigator:Fabijan, Michael F Licensed Year(s):
The study will focus on collecting information from Inuvialuit elders and harvesters. Of particular interest are community issues and concerns, local knowledge and recommendations with respect to the potential effects of the proposed project.
Participants will be asked to discuss their perceptions of the potential effects of the project on community health and wellness, their knowledge of tradi...
Principal Investigator:Benson, Kristi Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to obtain Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), including traditional use and place names information, related the headwaters of the Arctic Red River in preparation for a preliminary archaeological survey of the area. So far, the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) has conducted a literature review and traditional use interviews on the area. Through these...
Principal Investigator:Johnston, Brian Licensed Year(s):
As part of developing a Draft Land Use Plan for the Peel River watershed region, the Peel Watershed Planning Commission proposes to carry out interviews to gain a better understanding of the Tetlit Gwich’in experience on the land, including the community’s knowledge of important wildlife areas within the region. Accordingly, the interviews will involve participants communicating information on key...
Principal Investigator:Lyons, Natasha L. Licensed Year(s):2006
This project was first suggested by the Aklavik Community Corporation and is a collaboration between the researcher and the community. The Inuvialuit community in Aklavik recognizes that Elders' knowledge is being lost very quickly and this has spurred...
Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
This project involves working with the Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board, the Tetlit Gwich'in Renewable Resources Committee and elders/harvesters from Fort McPherson to document traditional indicators and methods for community-based monitoring. The main...
Principal Investigator:Anderson, David G Licensed Year(s):2000
1998 Summary:
The objective of this study is to develop a forest management plan that is sensitive to the priorities identified by the Gwich'in Elders and contemporary Gwich'in forest users. A total of four graduate students and their assistants will work with forestry experts employed by the Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board (GRRB) both to supplement an existing database and to synthesize the material into a...
Principal Investigator:Main Johnson, Leslie Licensed Year(s):2000
The objectives of this project are to document and understand 1) Gwich'in perspectives of the land; 2) Gwich'in view of the land; 3) Gwich'in use of the land; 4) traditional ecological knowledge; 5) resource use/occurrence in different areas; 6) habitats of plants and animals and 7) relationship of people to the land. The researcher will talk with Elders and other people who are knowledgeable abou...
Principal Investigator:Nagy, Murielle Licensed Year(s):
We will record interviews with Inuvialuit elders from February 19 to 25 in Inuvik; February 26 to March 7 in Sachs Harbour; March 11 - 21 in Holman. The interviews will then be translated into English and transcribed into Inuvialuktun. Interviews will resume in Tuktoyaktuk from June 10-16; in Sachs Harbour June 17-July 8; and in Inuvik from July 9-13. While in Sachs Harbour, Inuvialuit elders w...
Principal Investigator:Andrews, Tom Licensed Year(s):
The researcher as part of the archaeology program of the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute will interview elders about the upper Arctic Red River. Information regarding traditional place names, hunting, fishing and trapping areas, camping spots, location of graves and sacred sites and major trails will be discussed and recorded. This information will help determine where the researcher will...