15 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Evaluating the environmental impacts of permafrost mega-disturbances along the Dempster Highway, NWT
Principal Investigator: Kokelj, Steven V
Licensed Year(s): 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Summary: The objective of this research project is to document the extent of ecological change in impacted stream basins draining the eastern slope of the Richardson Mountains and to determine the mechanisms of slump initiation and stabilization. This study will focus on the Stoney Creek catchment, which runs parallel to the Dempster Highway and empties into the Peel River at Fort McPherson, NT. The catchm...

Geological Reconnaissance and proposed Field Trip across the northern Richardson Mountains and Mackenzie Delta area
Principal Investigator: Lane, Larry S
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This study will be composed of an assessment field trip as well as a larger field study used to teach the regional geology to geologists who work for companies that currently hold petroleum leases in the Delta area. The trip in July will serve as a scoping trip to prepare for the field trip by assessing specific sites for suitability as field trip stops. Every site will be evaluated for its scien...

IPY-SCARF: International Polar Year - Study of Canadian Arctic River-Delta Fluxes
Principal Investigator: Lesack, Lance
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: The aims of the various components of this project are to develop a hydraulic model for the Mackenzie Delta by observation of ice jams for calibration of the model, assessing ice cover and breakup patterns, linking an ice-ocean-atmosphere model of storm surges to the hydraulic model, measuring water stored in off-channel areas, improving information on lake-flooding for off-channel areas, quantify...

2006 - 2007 Biophysical and Reconnaissance Studies in the Gwich’in Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Hawkins, Jim R.
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: Several biophysical and engineering studies on the feasibility of a pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley have been conducted, and will continue in 2007. Local knowledge, scientific research, and existing technical information are being used to develop a knowledge base for environmental protection plans, engineering design and regulatory processes. Route and site reconnaissance will be by helicopte...

Regional Terrain Hazards Mapping
Principal Investigator: Couture, Réjean
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005
Summary: The goal of this project is to compile updated baseline information/knowledge on the types, regional distribution, and controls (e.g. forests fires, climate change) of landslides. The main objectives of the field reconnaissance at landslide sites are six-fold: 1) to validate previous data collected through air photo interpretation and remote sensing techniques; 2) to carry out detailed mapping at ...

2006 Summer Field Geotechnical Investigation Program – Gwich’in Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Martin, Sandy D
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: The objective of the proposed summer geotechnical investigations is to gather information on soil and ground conditions adjacent to a proposed pipeline right-of-way in the Mackenzie Valley. The gathered information will be used in preparing subsequent regulatory applications. The proposed investigations will focus on four potential borrow sources, which will yield information for use in determinin...

2006 Biophysical and Reconnaissance Studies in the Gwich'in Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Martin, Sandy D
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: The proposed biophysical and reconnaissance studies are aimed at collecting data to assess the feasibility of constructing a potential oil and gas pipeline for the Mackenzie Gas Project. The 2006 work programme includes: route and site reconnaissance; aquatic and terrestrial studies; and engineering, geological and geophysical studies. Route and site reconnaissance comprise: verification of the ...

Assessing Impacts of Permafrost Degradation on Community Infrastructure Due to Climate Change: Modeling, Simulation and Adaptation Costing
Principal Investigator: Zhou, Fuqun
Licensed Year(s): 2004
Summary: Structural infrastructure in northern communities is dependent on the permafrost layer for stability. The thawing and disappearance of the permafrost layer has accelerated in recent decades, damaging buildings and other infrastructure, and causing public...

Investigation of the Long Term Stability of Survey Monuments in Permafrost
Principal Investigator: Tait, Matthew P.
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: Oil and gas extraction in permafrost areas causes vertical surface displacements that have in the past caused serious environmental issues, such as massive subsidence and land slides. Methods of monitoring such vertical subsidence are accurate, but rely...

Massive Ice Study in Granular Deposits
Principal Investigator: Pollard, Wayne H
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005 2004 2003
Summary: This study is an investigation of massive ice in granular deposits in the Mackenzie Delta area and northeastern North Slave region. The presence of massive ice in aggregate deposits results in resource management problems, particularly for the oil indus...