769 record(s) found in the location "Dehcho Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Learning the Language of the Land: The representation of land in web-based Indigenous language education
Principal Investigator: Parker, Aliana
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The research objective is to understand the connection between Indigenous languages and the land, and to explore how that connection is represented in websites used for Indigenous language education. The central research question is: What is the significance of Indigenous perspectives of land for Indigenous language revitalization efforts? The connection between language and land will be the main ...

Exploring Social Support, Sport Participation, and Rural Womens Health Using Photovoice
Principal Investigator: Mair, Heather L
Licensed Year(s): 2012
Summary: The purpose of this study is to: 1) explore roles that sport and recreation clubs play as community places for rural women; 2) examine the influence of curling and curling clubs on the social lives and health of rural women; 3) utilize Photovoice, a participatory qualitative research method, to work with rural women in photographing, documenting, and expressing their perspectives on their local cl...

Exfiltration Fence Habitat Assessment
Principal Investigator: Wilcockson, John B
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The objective of this research project is to determine the presence or absence of fish species as part of a habitat assessment of the proposed location for an exfiltration trench (effluent diffuser). Collected fish will be identified, weighted and measured. Electrofishing would be conducted along the banks of a 200m stretch of Prairie Creek, at the Prairie Creek mine site. Electro fishing would...

Effects of wildfire on biomass combustion in boreal peatlands and forests
Principal Investigator: Turetsky, Merritt R.
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The objective is to quantify the amount of fuel combustion and carbon losses during wildfires in boreal conifer forests and peatlands. These data will allow us to quantify climatic and weather controls on the severity of biomass burning. Boreal forests and peatlands store a large amount of carbon in vegetation and soils. Climate change is predicted to increase summer drought, which could mak...

Composition of natural dissolved organic carbon in streams along latitudinal transect
Principal Investigator: Turetsky, Merritt R.
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The goal of this research project is to measure the concentration and composition of natural dissolved organic carbon in rivers along a latitudinal transect from central Alberta to southern NWT. Data on water quality will be combined with spatial data that describes the drainage basins of the sampled rivers, e.g. ecosystem composition, size, slope, recent fire impact and permafrost conditions. The...

Mapping the Social Economy in Northern Canada - Northwest Territories Project
Principal Investigator: Southcott, Chris
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Summary: The objectives of this research project are: • to continue developing a comprehensive listing of social economy organizations in Northern Canada; • to undertake a survey of these organizations to determine the characteristics of these organizations including locations, activities, size, employment, membership and structure; and • to update the database of social economy organizations in the N...

Evaluation of Early Childhood Development Training
Principal Investigator: Little, Lois M.
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: GNWT Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) has commissioned this evaluation to: 1) determine if the current early childhood education delivery model and the Aurora College Early Childhood Development (ECD) Training programs are meeting the needs of students, parents, children, and communities in the NWT; and 2) learn about other models of training within the NWT and in other Canadian jurisd...

Geological carbon in the Mackenzie River Basin: Sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Principal Investigator: Hilton, Robert G
Licensed Year(s): 2017 2013 2011 2010 2009
Summary: The overall aim is to assess the carbon balance of the Mackenzie River Basin and to place constraints on the role of climatic and physical erosion processes in driving carbon dioxide source and sinks to the atmosphere and oceans. More specifically, the researchers aim to quantify the amount of chemical weathering that takes place in the Mackenzie River Basin; to quantify how much weathering of sil...

Teacher Performance Appraisals: A Tool for Teacher Growth and Improvement
Principal Investigator: O'Keefe, Jeffrey
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The objective of this qualitative study is to explore how current methods of teacher performance appraisals contribute to teacher growth and improvement over time in the Northwest Territories. This study explores how current methods of teacher performance appraisals result in teacher growth and improvement over time. Teacher perceptions about the value, benefit, and purpose of teacher performanc...

Geochemical and Mineralogical Controls on Metal Dispersal Downstream of Mineralization in the Mackenzie Mountains, Canada
Principal Investigator: Skeries, Kristina A
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The objective of this research project is to understand how metals might be weathering from rocks, and to understand where they end up and in which chemical form (the speciation). The importance is to differentiate between the metal species that weather from the rocks, the species by which they are transported, and finally, the species by which they are deposited again, if they are in fact deposit...