Principal Investigator:Froese, Duane G Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The objective of this project is to investigate the architecture of Pleistocene deltas on the Mackenzie River tributaries, search evidence of high-magnitude discharge events, and collect samples for absolute dating.
The research team will investigate the stratigraphic description of sedimentary sections in the river banks cutting through the Pleistocene deltas. Collection of samples are for rad...
Principal Investigator:Tank, Suzanne E Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The objective of this study is to determine the effect of fire on water quality within the southern NWT landscape. The research team will work across the Taiga Plains and Taiga Shield ecoregions. Differences in landscape between these regions will affect the catchment response to fire. The team will also target catchments with variable permafrost extent, and wetland/lake coverage.
The research ...
Principal Investigator:Olefeldt, David Licensed Year(s):
20162015 Summary:
The project team intend to study carbon cycling in peatland catchments, in order to determine whether the interactions between wildfire and permafrost thaw causes increased release of greenhouse gases from peatlands and aquatic ecosystems to the atmosphere, and thus cause amplified climate change.
Given the overall objective of the project, the team intend to address five research questions:
Principal Investigator:Beveridge, Meghan Licensed Year(s):2018
2016201520142013 Summary:
The purpose of the project is to work in collaboration with Northwest Territories (NWT) communities to collect water quality data to answer community concerns and questions about the health of NWT waters, to enhance understanding of cumulative impacts and to contribute to decision making.
There are three associated objectives:
1) collect water quality data at locations throughout the NWT, to ...
Principal Investigator:Spicer, Neal Licensed Year(s):
The Objectives of this research are to:
1) determine where the participating communities obtain their drinking water from within their home and while on the land and why; and determine the areas of each region that are considered valuable and important areas of water quality; and
2) determine what the concerns are concerning the sources of water, both within the homes and natural water sources, ...
Principal Investigator:Menounos, Brian p Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The objective of the study is to date the formation of terminal moraines fronting Brintnell Glacier, and analyze the glacigenic signature within the sediments of Glacier Lake in order to develop a robust chronology of glacier change on the Brintnell-Bologna Icefield. This decade to century scale chronology will be compared to regional-to-hemispheric climate proxies to evaluate the climate sensitiv...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):2018
2016 Summary:
The objective is to improve the empirical foundations for predictive caribou habitat mapping within the forested areas of the Taiga Plains and Taiga Shield Ecoregions in the Northwest Territories, roughly south of Great Bear Lake. The research team will establish a network of long-term study plots across a range of fire characteristics and vegetation types, where the team will measure the rate and...
Principal Investigator:Hickey, Kenneth A Licensed Year(s):
20162015 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to map the March Fault and the structures in the rocks that it cuts through to look for evidence of when it formed, how it formed, and how much relative movement has occurred along it.
This research is primarily a field-based involving detailed geological mapping by foot along a series of traverses across the March Fault. The research team will use rock...
Principal Investigator:Lewkowicz, Antoni G Licensed Year(s):2018
2016 Summary:
The goal of this project is to look at how permafrost is changing following forest fire over a range of environmental conditions, with the purpose of improving how change is modeled in the future. The fires of 2014 in the southwestern Northwest Territories (NWT) provide an opportunity to examine how discontinuous permafrost responds to disturbances. This work is being carried out in collaboration ...
Principal Investigator:Jakiela, Kevin Licensed Year(s):
The objective is to perform soil analysis (for composition) and researching parameters in Geodome on the Northern Farm Training Institute (NFTI) farm such as: air temp, relative humidity, light intensity, albedo, soil moisture/saturation and temperature. This analysis will help NFTI to figure out optimal growing conditions inside the greenhouse to optimize crop growth and yields. The research team...