Principal Investigator:Gal, Ruth A.C. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to develop a landscape model capable of predicting regeneration after fire in the Northern Boreal Forest.
Data has been collected in the past from Porter Lake (near Lutsel K'e), Big Fish Lake, Alberta, and Wood Buffalo National Park, between Pine Lake and Peace Point. Data has also been collected from the International Crown Fire Modeling Experiment near Fort Pro...
Principal Investigator:Kustan, Ed Licensed Year(s):
The research team, including an environmental consultant, a technician, and a member of the community, will access the site and assess the site conditions. The field will be accessed from Fort Liard via the barge. The individual sites will be accessed via truck. At the site, researchers will complete a walk around of the site including the site facilities and surrounding area. Should any soil or s...
Principal Investigator:Kustan, Ed Licensed Year(s):
The research team, including an environmental consultant, a technician, and a member of the community, will access the site and assess the site conditions. The field will be accessed from Fort Liard via the barge. The individual sites will be accessed via truck. At the site, researchers will complete a walk around of the site including the site facilities and surrounding area. Should any soil or s...
Principal Investigator:Kustan, Ed Licensed Year(s):
The research team, including an environmental consultant, a technician, and a member of the local community, will access the site and assess the site conditions. The researchers will access the site via helicopter and will complete a walk around of the site including the site facilities and surrounding area. Should any soil or surface water be identified as a concern, a sample will be obtained and...
Principal Investigator:Falck, Hendrik Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
Parks Canada would like to expand the existing Nahanni National Park Reserve. Before this can be done, mineral and energy resource assessment (MERA) study is needed for the Greater Nahanni Ecosystem so that mineral deposits or oil fields that could provide jobs and wealth for Northerners and Canadians are not overlooked. This study has five main steps: 1) Review all available bedrock geology ...
Principal Investigator:Van Stempvoort, Dale R. Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are to 1) address information gaps with respect to groundwater quality and quantity along the proposed pipeline corridor; 2)gather groundwater information along the corridor between Fort Simpson and Great Bear Lake; 3) examine remediation processes for, and results of, petroleum spills in the north; and 4) help the Department of Transportation investigate potential gro...
Principal Investigator:Grasby, Stephen Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
This project is a continuation of work begun in 2004. The researchers were not able to do their field work in 2004, and will try again in 2005. Historic mention is made of springs at Windy Point on the north shore of Great Slave Lake. The research team...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
This research is part of an aerial reconnaissance program to study spring breakup at the major watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the north. The resea...
Principal Investigator:Bostock, Michael Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
The CANOE project will contribute to the understanding of the deep structure of the Earth by using recordings of distant earthquakes (from e.g., Japan, Fiji, Alaska, Mexico, Chile, Italy, Turkey). This is a collaborative research program involving scien...
Principal Investigator:Kustan, Ed Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this monitoring program is to assess reclamation success and identify areas of concern regarding revegetation and soil loss by erosion. A total of eight permanent sampling transects were established along the pipeline right-of-way; two in...