Principal Investigator:Noble, Bram F Licensed Year(s):
20172016 Summary:
This project will determine what information Regulators require about cumulative effects or conditions in order to make informed decisions regarding development impacts to water quality in the NWT, and whether and how that information is, or can be, provided through NWT Cumulative Impacts Monitoring Program (CIMP) or other agencies responsible for monitoring.
The objectives are as follows:
Principal Investigator:Laurent, Cyrielle C Licensed Year(s):
This project aims to demonstrate the cumulative impact of permafrost degradation and forest fire on boreal caribou habitat and how caribou habitat degradation affects Jean Marie River First Nation (JMRFN). To do this the research team will collect and use traditional knowledge (TK), and analyse it in a geographic information system (GIS) with scientific data. The research team expect to locate are...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Lisa Licensed Year(s):
The Permanent Monitoring Plots will provide experimental data on forest growth and progression, cumulative impact monitoring, and will provide data for territorial and national reporting requirements.
Most plots will be accessed only by helicopter. At each site, a 400 square metre plot (11.28 m radius) will be established with rebar as a centre post. All trees, shrubs and other vegetation will...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
This project is the initiation of traditional knowledge (TK) studies in the Kakisa area, discussions for which were initiated in 2003 as part of the baseline studies and assessment for the Mackenzie Gas Project. The study will involve gathering and reviewing documented and new knowledge related to climate, soil, water, vegetation, wildlife, birds, fish, historical/cultural/spiritual sites, human ...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
This project is the initiation of traditional knowledge (TK) studies in the Jean Marie River area, discussions for which were initiated in 2002 as part of the baseline studies and assessment for the Mackenzie Gas Project. The study will involve gathering and reviewing documented and new knowledge related to climate, soil, water, vegetation, wildlife, birds, fish, historical/cultural/spiritual sit...
Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):
1997 Summary:
Water quality field work involves drilling with an ice auger on four small lakes in the Den Lake watershed to determine if water is present below the ice, and if so, the depth of the water. The concentration of dissolved oxygen will be measured to determine the lake's potential to support overwintering fish. The results of this late winter survey will be used to identify the need for further fishe...