Principal Investigator:Kelly, Allicia Licensed Year(s):
20202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5351.
The objectives of this project are to describe different plants and vegetation communities that offer different nutritional value to boreal caribou using both scientific language and traditional knowledge. The research team plan to create a plain-language document(s) that shares information on habitats, vegetation com...
Principal Investigator:Laurent, Cyrielle C Licensed Year(s):
This project aims to demonstrate the cumulative impact of permafrost degradation and forest fire on boreal caribou habitat and how caribou habitat degradation affects Jean Marie River First Nation (JMRFN). To do this the research team will collect and use traditional knowledge (TK), and analyse it in a geographic information system (GIS) with scientific data. The research team expect to locate are...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):2018
2016 Summary:
The objective is to improve the empirical foundations for predictive caribou habitat mapping within the forested areas of the Taiga Plains and Taiga Shield Ecoregions in the Northwest Territories, roughly south of Great Bear Lake. The research team will establish a network of long-term study plots across a range of fire characteristics and vegetation types, where the team will measure the rate and...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deborah L Licensed Year(s):20162015
2013 Summary:
The main objective of this project is to support the wildlife management initiatives proposed by the Renewable Resource Councils (RRCs) in the Sahtú Region through the development of a robust research program that incorporates multiple sources of knowledge into a detailed understanding of caribou and moose populations. The objectives are to monitor caribou and moose health and understand populatio...
Principal Investigator:Gunn, Libby Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to: a) document Katlodeeche First Nation’s elders’ and harvesters’ observations, perceptions and experiences of woodland caribou in WBNP, and knowledge of caribou population dynamics and distribution; b) identify strategies for managing woodland caribou based on knowledge; c) identify opportunities for the participation of local Aboriginal people in the management of ...
Principal Investigator:Calef, George Licensed Year(s):
To carry out monitoring and research studies of all major caribou herds and wolves which may include marking, tagging and collaring....
Principal Investigator:McCourt, Ken Licensed Year(s):
a) Studies on furbearing mammals, moose, and caribou in the Mackenzie Valley, on behalf of Canadian Arctic Gas Study Limited. b) Study of land and sea mammals, Boothia Peninsula and the Arctic Islands, on behalf of Polar Gas Project....