2023 Tłı̨chǫ Highway Crossing Flow Monitoring

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: habitat loss, hydrology, ecology, engineering, waterflow monitoring

chercheur principal: Baldwin, Blair E (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 17286
Organisation: Natural Resource Solutions Inc
Année(s) de permis: 2023
Délivré: juin 07, 2023
Équipe de projet: John Stephenson

Objectif(s): To collect instantaneous flow rates at the Duport and James River crossing locations.

Description du projet: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5602. Collect instantaneous flow rates at the Duport and James River crossing locations. Flow discharge monitoring will be collected at the two identified crossing locations following the manual quantitative stream discharge protocol as described in Section 4: Module 5 of the Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol (OSAP 2017 ). Following this protocol stream discharge for wadeable streams is characterized using the Area Times Velocity Method for the accurate characterization of stream discharge conditions, and provides a balance between precision and efficiency. A series of panels are established based on the active channel width at each flow discharge monitoring location, the boundaries of each panel are regularly spaced across each monitoring transect to provide the most accurate characterization of flow conditions across each transect. Water depth details are recorded for each panel in order to provide accurate cross-sectional area (m2) data for each panel and each transect. Water velocity (m/sec) data is then recorded at each panel location, which is then used along with specific cross sectional area data to provide instantaneous discharge information (m3/sec) for each panel and each transect location. Consultation with local NWT and community organizations regarding this field sampling has been completed as part of the community consultation process for Water License W2020L8-0001 and Land Use Permit W2016E-0004 for the Tli?cho? Highway project. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from: June 30 - August 31, 2023