Diavik Palatability and Tissue Chemistry
chercheur principal: Moore, Kristin M (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 15131
Organisation: Diavik Diamond Mine Inc.
Année(s) de permis: 2012 2009 2003
Délivré: juil. 26, 2012
Équipe de projet: Natasha Thorpe, Kathy Scott

Objectif(s): To obtain feedback from community members relating to Lac de Gras lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) taste, texture and general condition/health, and to meet requirements set out in the Fisheries Authorization for Works or Undertaking Affecting Fish Habitat.

Description du projet: The primary objective of the 2012 program is to obtain feedback from community members relating to Lac de Gras lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) taste, texture, general condition and health. A secondary objective is to meet requirements set out in the Fisheries Authorization for Works or Undertaking Affecting Fish Habitat. Fish collection will primarily be conducted using nets set out on 2 different areas in Lac de Gras. If deemed acceptable by Aboriginal participants, there is a possibility that angling may be conducted to catch fish. Upon collection of fish from the nets, fish will be taken to Traditional Knowledge (TK) camp area. The fish will be filleted and necessary tissue, organ samples and otoliths will be obtained for scientific analysis. These same fish will be identified for cooking and tasting. Four cooking methods are used to assess fish taste and texture: cooking over an open fire, boiling, baking and pan frying the fish. The maximum fish limits are as follows: 50 lake trout, 15 round whitefish, 15 lake whitefish, and 5 long-nose suckers. Cross-cultural exchange of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) related to fish and water, documentation of fish biology in local languages and on video for use within the community and schools. Training youth on TK interview techniques and videography, pairing of TEK with scientific monitoring programs to inform industrial development. This process will be used to engage Elders in discussion about monitoring the aquatic ecosystem according to traditional ecological knowledge measures. A summary report and video will be completed and sent to each of the Aboriginal parties upon completion of program. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from July 30, 2012 to August 3, 2012.